Astronomy News
- Hubble Captures a Cosmic Cloudscape 19 hours 54 min old
- Tiny dwarf galaxy might house a supermassive black hole 1 day 16 hours old
- Bullseye! Galaxy hosts a record-breaking nine starry rings 1 day 16 hours old
IoA Institute of Astronomy Talk Lists
- Fri 21 Feb 11:30: Galactic Archaelogy in the Gaia era: a surprising population of very metal-poor stars in the Milky Way disc 1 day 14 hours old
- Tue 18 Feb 13:00: TOI-2407b: A hot Neptune in the Neptune Desert discovered with the SPIRIT Infrared Detector 2 days 9 hours old
- Fri 09 May 11:30: Title to be confirmed 2 days 16 hours old
Next External Talks
- Tue 25 Feb 11:15: Exoplanet Detection with SPIRIT: Infrared CMOS Photometry and the Discovery of the Hot Neptune TOI-2407b 1 day 19 hours old
- Mon 24 Feb 13:00: Total derivatives in cosmological perturbations: implications for decoherence and Bell violation 1 day 20 hours old
- Fri 21 Feb 13:00: Free conformally-rescaled hyperboloidal evolution: status and applications 2 days 10 hours old
- Executive Assistant and Project Coordinator (Fixed Term) 2 days 5 hours old
- Executive Assistant and Project Coordinator (Fixed Term) 2 weeks 4 days old
- Research Associate/Assistant in Supernovae / Astrostatistics / Data Science (Fixed Term) 2 months 5 days old
Planetary systems
- Prospects for biological evolution on Hycean worlds 2 days 18 hours old
- Searching for Hot Water World Candidates with CHEOPS: Refining the radii and analysing the internal structures and atmospheric lifetimes of TOI-238 b and TOI-1685 b 2 days 18 hours old
- Recovering the structure of debris disks non-parametrically from images 2 days 18 hours old
Recent IoA Publications
- Prospects for biological evolution on Hycean worlds 2 days 18 hours old
- Searching for Hot Water World Candidates with CHEOPS: Refining the radii and analysing the internal structures and atmospheric lifetimes of TOI-238 b and TOI-1685 b 2 days 18 hours old
- Recovering the structure of debris disks non-parametrically from images 2 days 18 hours old
Next Wednesday Seminars
- Wed 19 Feb 13:40: Probing the early history of the Milky Way through ancient carbon-rich stars 3 days 13 hours old
- Wed 12 Feb 13:40: Kaleidoscope of irradiated disks: VLT/MUSE observations of proplyds 1 week 2 days old
- Wed 12 Feb 13:15: Fact or FABLE: predictions for SMBH merger rates from cosmological simulations 1 week 3 days old
Galaxy Evolution and AGN
- Mapping the Filamentary Nebula of NGC 1275 with Multiwavelength SITELLE Observations 4 days 20 hours old
- The formation of mini-AGN disks around IMBHs and their dynamical implications 1 week 1 day old
- Low dust mass and high star-formation efficiency at $z>12$ from deep ALMA observations 1 week 5 days old
Next Colloquia
- Thu 20 Mar 16:00: Exoplanet Clouds and Chemistry: A WASP-17b case study 4 days 20 hours old
- Thu 06 Mar 16:00: The Death Throes of Massive Stars 4 days 20 hours old
- Thu 20 Mar 16:00: Exoplanet Clouds and Chemistry: A WASP-17b case study 5 days 14 hours old
Instrumentation and Surveys
- Euclid preparation: Extracting physical parameters from galaxies with machine learning 4 days 21 hours old
- Correcting Turbulence-induced Errors in Fiber Positioning for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument 1 week 4 days old
- The Southern Photometrical Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS): searching for metal-poor dwarf galaxies 2 weeks 1 day old
Cosmology and Fundamental physics
- How probable is the Lyman-$\alpha$ damping wing in the spectrum of the redshift z = 5.9896 quasar ULAS J0148+0600? 1 week 1 day old
- The connection between high-redshift galaxies and Lyman ${\alpha}$ transmission in the Sherwood-Relics simulations of patchy reionisation 1 week 1 day old
- Synergising semi-analytical models and hydrodynamical simulations to interpret JWST data from the first billion years 1 week 1 day old
Stars and stellar evolution
- How probable is the Lyman-$\alpha$ damping wing in the spectrum of the redshift z = 5.9896 quasar ULAS J0148+0600? 1 week 1 day old
- Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM): The multiplicity properties and evolution of BAF-type supergiants 1 week 1 day old
- Binarity at Low Metallicity (BLOeM) -- Multiplicity properties of Oe and Be stars 1 week 1 day old
Near-field cosmology
Latest News
- Scientists reveal structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars 4 weeks 1 day old
- Last starlight for ground-breaking Gaia 1 month 1 day old
- Sverre Aarseth (20 July 1934 – 20 December 2024) 1 month 2 days old