Who's Who
Key Academic Contacts
Chair of the Teaching Committee: Professor Christopher Tout - cat@ast.cam.ac.uk
Part II Course Coordinator: Professor Cathie Clarke - cclarke@ast.ac.uk
Part III/MASt Course Coordinator: Professor Vasily Belokurov - vasily@ast.cam.ac.uk
Director or Postgraduate Education: Professor Paul Hewett - phewett@ast.cam.ac.uk
Student Administration
Michelle Fell (undergraduate.admin@ast.cam.ac.uk) is the Undergraduate Student Co-ordinator and oversees all aspects of Undergraduate administration, from pre-admission enquiries, to current student assessment processes and beyond. If you encounter any problems or have concerns of a non-scientific nature during your time at the IoA, you should talk to Michelle in the first instance.
Debbie Peterson, the Senior Student Administrator, and Carolyn Young, the Postgraduate Admissions & Examinations Co-ordinator (both available at post-graduate.admin@ast.cam.ac.uk) share an office with Michelle and should be able to help you in her absence.
Students sometimes encounter personal difficulties during their studies that are not to do with the course itself, such as financial difficulties or family illness. If such problems arise, you are strongly advised to discuss the situation with your College Tutor as soon as possible. Colleges are used to dealing with such problems, and are experienced in offering advice, help and support.
There are also many central University resources available to students.
Students with medical problems or disabilities are strongly advised to discuss such problems with their College, who will offer relevant advice and support . For more information, please visit the University Disability Resource Centre.
Reception, Housekeeping & Catering
Reception is located at the main entrance to the Hoyle Building. Bev Woolston (recept@ast.cam.ac.uk) is the IoA Receptionist and will be glad to try and help out with any problem you might have in general day-to-day life in the IoA.
Stephen Lawson is the IoA's Building Services Technician & Assistant Safety Officer.
Sebastien Magarinos, Emma Hyde, Anita Hawkins and Rafael Da Rosa form the IoA Catering Team, responsible for any event where food and drinks are provided, including the IoA's morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
The IoA Computing Group
Sue Cowell, Neil Millar, Graham Bell, Cormac O'Connell and Rafikul Islam are responsible for the Science Cluster computers, including the network and most of the software available. The IoA Computing Group are best contacted via the Helpdesk (ioahelp@ast.cam.ac.uk). Helpdesk uses a support system called RT, which generates tickets to handle individual requests. It is monitored by the support team during normal working hours and the system keeps track of faults that haven’t been fixed, maintains records of what has been done already and provides historical notes for methods of fixing similar problems in the future.