The IoA Summer Research Programme
Every summer, the IoA hosts a number of undergraduate interns who undertake research projects supervised by a member of the Institute’s staff. Each year, a small number of Part III/MASt students are offered funding to participate in the programme, with the broad aim of converting their research projects into publishable papers. Further details will be advertised towards the end of the calendar year.
Postgraduate Study
There are three departments within the Univesity of Cambridge involved in Astrophysics/Cosmology research:
It is important to note that the University requires a separate application for each department, who has their own application process, with differing deadlines.
More information
The Director of Postgraduate Education at the IoA gives a talk in Michaelmas term aimed at Part III/MASt students within the IoA considering taking a course of further study at Cambridge.
The University also holds a Postgraduate Open Day in Michaelmas term.