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Institute of Astronomy


Welcome to the Institute of Astronomy

Wireless network access for visitors

Before arrival visitors are advised to register at their home institutes for the international academic wireless network eduroam which is available in the IoA and Kavli buildings. There is some Cambridge centric information about eduroam for visitors here.

Alternatively visitors can use the University of Cambridge browser-based wireless network service which has the SSID: UniOfCam. Please contact your host to arrange this. eduroam is the preferred option and uses the same network hardware.

Wired network access and user accounts for visitors

If a wired network connection or a user account on the IoA science cluster is needed this can be arranged after you arrive. If you require these setup before your arrive please liase with your host who will contact the IOA computing helpdesk. For a wired connection your computer MAC address will need to be provided. A user application form is below. This will need to be submitted by your host.

There is further information on Computing at IoA on the IoA Intranet which is accessible from the wireless network after you arrive.




On Arrival



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