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Projects & Supervisors

Each year, some 15-20 supervisors will offer a total of well over 40 PhD projects. With 10-13 students starting their PhD, there are many more projects than students. As a consequence, the Institute does not provide a list of projects on offer for the coming academic year.

Below are the names and links to the members of staff expected to be available as supervisors for students beginning PhD's in October 2025. Exploring recent papers with the individuals as authors on the NASA ADS website will give an insight into current research interests. You can also click on the name of an individual supervisor to access information describing current research interests.

The Institute has a number of emeritus staff and individuals nearing retirement or expecting to change institution. While such individuals often engage and collaborate with postgraduate students, they are not available as primary supervisors of PhD students.

Professor Vasily Belokurov

Dark Matter? Galaxy formation and evolution, Galactic archaeology, Galactic structure and sub-structure, Dwarf galaxies, Accretion history of the Milky Way, Tidal streams, Gravitational lensing, Gravitational microlensing Surveys like Gaia, APOGEE, GALAH, SDSS, OGLE, RAVE, LSST, Transients and variable stars, Machine learning techniques.

Dr Amy Bonsor

Planetary systems, Exoplanets, Debris discs, Polluted white dwarfs, Origin of life.

Professor Anthony Challinor

Physical and theoretical cosmology, cosmic microwave background, large scale structure formation and growth.

Professor Cathie Clarke

Protoplanetary discs, binary stars, cluster dynamics.

Dr Miles Cranmer

Near field cosmology, dwarf galaxies milky way, Cosmology,

Professor Wyn Evans

Stars and stellar evolution, black holes, neutron stars, near field cosmology, milky way, dark matter, Gravitational lensing and microlensing.

Professor Anastasia Fialkov

Theory of dark ages, cosmic dawn and reionization including: cosmology and hydrogen 21-cm line, properties of intergalactic medium, dark matter physics, first stars and black holes, intensity mapping. Interpretation of data from radio telescopes using Bayesian analysis and Machine learning. Synergies.  

Dr Will Handley

Cosmology, astroparticle physics, gravitational waves, Bayesian analysis and machine learning (theory, observation & methods).

Professor Martin Haehnelt

Reionization and the Physics of the Intergalactic Medium, the Formation of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes, the Lyman-alpha Forest as a probe of Dark Matter, Observational Cosmology.

Dr Simon Hodgkin

Time Domain Observational Astronomy: Exoplanet Discovery, Variability in Young Stars, Gaia and PLATO.

Professor Nikku Madhusudhan

Exoplanets, Atmospheres, Interiors, Formation mechanisms, Habitability, Biosignatures, Hycean worlds, JWST.

Professor Kaisey Mandel

Supernova cosmology, Astrostatistics, astronomical machine learning, astroinformatics, Time-domain and transient astronomy, Bayesian modeling and inference, Statistical computation.

Professor Richard McMahon

Galaxy formation and evolution, high redshift quasars, supermassive black holes.

Dr Chris Moore

Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Black Holes, Compact Objects, Astrostatistics, Bayesian inference and data analysis.

Professor Hiranya Peiris

Cosmology, Galaxy Evolution, Astroparticle Physics, Early Universe Theory, Bayesian Analysis and Machine Learning, Gravitational wave Astrophysics.

Dr James Rogers

Exoplanets, super-Earths and sub-Neptunes, planet formation and evolution, atmospheric escape, interior structure

Professor Oliver Shorttle

Extrasolar planets, sub-Neptunes, rocky planets, solar system, planet formation, interior structure and dynamics, habitability, origin of life.

Professor Debora Sijacki

Formation and evolution of galaxies, dark energy, dark matter, baryons, supermassive black holes and multi messenger science.

Professor Christopher Tout

Stars, Stellar Evolution. and Interacting Binary Stars. 

Dr Nicholas Walton

Assembly history of the Milky Way, Late stages of stellar evolution & Planetary Nebulae, Supernova cosmology & Supernova Alerts Exoplanet/ Host Star Connection.

Professor Mark Wyatt

Evolution of planetary systems, circumstellar disk observations, debris discs.