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International Women's Day @ IoA

In recent years, the IoA has marked International Women's Day through initiatives designed to celebrate and inspire women in Astronomy. These initiatives and their accompanying resources are showcased below.

International Women’s Day 2024

On Friday 8th March we celebrated  International Women’s Day at the IoA, with a full programme of events, including a keynote talk by Ghina Halabi, and a series of mini-talks and events given by invited speakers from around DAMPT, the Institute of Astronomy, the Kavli Institute for Cosmology and the department of Astrophysics. In addition, on the 6th and 7th of March, the IoA hosted to 120 Key Stage 3 students from local schools. This 2024 International Women’s Day event introduced the students to the cutting-edge research conducted by women and minority researchers at the Institute of Astronomy through a morning of hands-on, engaging, and self-directed educational workshops.

The students learned how exoplanets  are detected through a coding workshop utilising real data, how astronomers harness light to study the sky through a spectrograph-making workshop, and how astronomers  explore planets in the solar system.




2022: IWD22 one-day meeting at the IoA 

On Tuesday the 8th of March 2022, we held a one-day event to honour the scientific contributions made by women at the Institute of Astronomy. See International Women’s Day 2022 (IWD22) for the meeting page.

This inspiring day included an introduction by Prof. Cathie Clarke, a keynote address by Prof. Belinda Wilkes (online link TBC), a Tour with the Lens of Women at Cambridge Observatory, and a Careers Panel. The latter providing an engaging forum for questions and discussions on the career and life challenges that are faced by all early and mid-career astronomers.

We also commenced activities looking forward to 2023, with interviews for Outreach Legacy project and ideas for a three-day event in 2023.

Here is the group photo from this fantastic day!



2021: Inspiration from Cambridge Astro Women

To celebrate International Women's Day 2021, women in Astronomy throughout Cambridge have shared the women who inspire them, inspirational quotes and advice they would give to their younger selves. Click here to see the full gallery!


2020: Cambridge Astronomy Voices & The Women Who Inspired Us

Astro Voices is an IAU project that aims at creating a short film featuring women astronomers from around the world to celebrate the IAU 100th Anniversary. The goal is to promote the image of astronomers as an exciting career and to stimulate interest for women and girls everywhere. In 2019, some of the women astronomers from the University of Cambridge recorded video clips for the IAU Astro Voices project. Below is a compilation of these clips - Cambridge Astronomy Voices - which was put together to celebrate International Women’s Day 2020.

The Women Who inspired Us is a collection of short biographies describing some of the women who have inspired members of the IoA. 


2019: Celebrating Women in Astronomy

To visually inspire the upcoming generation of astronomers to the same success we chose to celebrate Women in Astronomy by showcasing the astronomy careers of influential women who have pursued their science at Cambridge. We present here their rich scientific endeavours and their variety of pathways to success.