We invite everyone to join us for an event celebrating women in astronomy and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in STEM. There will be a discussion panel with speakers from both academia and industry, as well as a discussion on unconscious bias in astronomy. We encourage everyone regardless of gender to attend, and we welcome anyone from outside of the Institute of Astronomy who would like to participate.
8 March 2023
Please fill in our registration form by 5 pm Wednesday 1st March to attend the IWD 2023 events.
If you have any queries please email iwd@ast.cam.ac.uk
Time | Activity | Duration | Location |
14:00 - 15:30 | Womxn in Astronomy & Beyond Panel | 90 mins | Hoyle Lecture Theatre |
15:30 - 16:00 | Tea, coffee & cake | 30 mins | Hoyle Foyer |
16:00 - 17:00 | Unconscious Bias in STEM: a guided discussion | 60 mins | Hoyle Lecture Theatre |
... | ... | ... | ... |
19:15 - 20:00 |
Public talks by Dr. Jacqueline Mitton ("Vera Rubin: champion of women in astronomy") and the Eddington lecturer Dr. Nicholeen Viall-Kepko ("Our Ordinary, Extraordinary Sun") | 45 mins | Hoyle Lecture Theatre |
20:00 - 21:00 | Public Stargazing and Ask an Astronomer | 60 mins | Hoyle Foyer / Telescopes |
Q&A Panel
This year, we are welcoming four womxn to speak on their careers and experiences as members of underrepresented groups in astronomy and industry during a Question & Answers panel. Our panel members are Dr. Chandrima Ganguly, Dr. Jacqueline Mitton, Prof. Tina Potter, and Dr. Helen Russel. All four have been at Cambridge at one point during their professional journeys. You can find short bios for our panelists here:
The goal of this session is to address the 'leaky pipeline' in astronomy and STEM by sharing experiences of those affected by gender bias in the field and increasing visibility of female role models. The panelists will be given time to introduce themselves, after which there will be an opportunity for questions.
Unconscious Bias Discussion
After a break, we will be having a guided discussion on unconscious bias in astronomy and address ways we can work to improve equity in our field. This event will comprise an unconscious bias session lead by University of Cambridge Human Resources and a Kahoot!-style interactive discussion around gender demographics and statistics in Astronomy and Physics. The ultimate goal of this session is to bring awareness to the reality of gender bias in our field and address ways we can make individual and community-wide improvement. Please bring a device that can connect to the internet to participate in the Kahoot!.
Code of Conduct
Participants of IWD23 will be asked to read and agree to adhere to the IoA code of conduct. You are welcome to read it in advance at this link: https://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/dignity.work/code.conduct
Data Protection Statement
International Women’s Day 2023 at the Institute of Astronomy - Privacy Statement
The Institute of Astronomy (IoA) is committed to ensuring the security of the personal information that it holds. The privacy of individuals and their personal information is taken very seriously. Here we outline how your data will be used by organisers of the International Women’s Day 2023 (IWD23) events:
Your registration will be used for the purposes of planning and processing arrangements for the IWD23 event, only. The details you provide us with will be treated in confidence, and will not be published in any form (e.g., web, print, audio or visual).
Some IWD23 events will be recorded for publicity and archive purposes. You have the right to opt out of any such recording.
The IoA is accountable for the data it holds. Therefore, any information you provide will be retained for 6 months after the IWD23 event. After which, it will be removed, by secure means, from all relevant databases and systems.
With permission by you, your contact details will be stored, securely, to communicate upcoming projects (e.g. IWD23) that may be of special interest.
Your data will not be shared with a third party.
Full details of the University of Cambridge General Data Protection Act: https://www.information-compliance.admin.cam.ac.uk/data-protection/guidance/provisions#heading4