Conferences in date order
Conference Proceedings = link to library catalogue where available
Apollo = link to scanned images
LRB = (As of December 2017 in Library Rare Books Room (some framed pictures are also in the cupboard under the stairs to the dome).
2nd Conference of International Union for Co-operation in Solar Research, Oxford, 1905
GP/4/D.2.10 (unframed) 38x34 cm.
HIN427 (framed) 43x37 cm.
3rd Conference of International Union for Co-operation in Solar Research, Meudon, Paris, 1907
GP/18/D.2.10 Apollo
International Spectroscopy Conference, Bonn, 1913
Unframed b/w print, 40x29 cm. Apollo
International Astronomical Union 2nd General Assembly, Cambridge, July 14-22 1925, b/w photograph by Stearn & Sons, Framed print 45x38 cm. HIN453 (framed), HIN501, Apollo Report in The Observatory
Stockholm IAU, 1938
IoTA Cosmic Ray Conference, July 1968, b/w photograph by Stearns in LRB.
Institute of Astronomy Infra-red Conference, 1969
Institute of Astronomy staff and summer visitors, 1970, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (G2982)(copyright now of Lafayette Photography)
Institute of Astronomy W. Fowler 60th Birthday Meeting on Massive Objects, 1971, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (G3126)(copyright now of Lafayette Photography)
Conference on Compact Objects, 1973, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in LRB
Institute of Astronomy staff and summer visitors, 1974. Photo by Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography)
Herstmonceux Conference, c.1976
NATO Quasar Conference, 1977, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in LRB
NATO ASI 'Active Galactic Nuclei', 1977 Conference Procedings
NATO ASI Globular Clusters Conference, August 1978, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in LRB Conference Proceedings
NATO ASI Normal Galaxies, Conference at IoA and Clare College, 3-15 August 1980, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in LRB Conference Proceedings
NATO ASI on Supernovae, June 29-July 10, 1981, b/w photograph by Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in LRB Conference Proceedings
NATO ASI Interacting Binaries Conference, July-August 1983, b/w photograph by John Edward Leigh (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in LRB Conference Proceedings
NATO ASI 'The Galaxy' conference 4-15 August 1986 Conference Proceedings B/w photograph (framed) by Eaden Lilley (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) in Library Rare Book Room.
NATO 'Cooling flows in clusters and galaxies' Conference, 22-26 June 1987
NATO ASI Post Recombination Universe Conference, July 27-August 7 1987 Conference Proceedings
Eaden Lilley (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) b/w photograph LRB GP/8/D.2.10
NATO ASI 'Baryonic dark matter' conference July 17-28 1989 Conference Proceedings
NATO Conference, Late 1980s
Eaden Lilley (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) b/w photograph LRB GP/15/D.2.10
NATO Conference, 1980s
NATO ASI 'Clusters and superclusters of galaxies' conference 1-10 July 1991 Conference Proceedings Summaries. Eaden Lilley (copyright now of Lafayette Photography) b/w photograph Library Rare Book Room
33rd Herstmonceux Conference 16-22 July 1992 'The Nature of compact objects in AGN' b/w photograph (framed) in Library Rare Book Room.
CCP7 Workshop 'Stellar chromospheres, coronae and winds' 1992 Conference Proceedings
RGO/IoA 'Galactic and solar system astrometry' conference June 21-24 1993 Conference Proceedings
NATO ARW 'Cosmical Magnetism' conference in honour of Professor Leon Mestel, 5-9 July 1993 Conference Proceedings Contributed Papers
Eaden Lilley b/w photograph LRB GP/1/D.2.10
35th Herstmonceux Conference 'Wide field spectroscopy and the distant universe' 4-8 July 1994. Colour photograph LRB
NATO ASI 'Evolutionary processes in binary stars' conference 10-21 July 1995 Conference Proceedings Eaden Lilley b/w photograph (framed) in Library Rare Book Room.
36th Herstmonceux conference 'Gravitational dynamics' in honour of Professor Donald Lynden-Bell, 7-11 August 1995. Colour photograph by Eaden Lilley LRB E.27.1
Cambridge University, Institute of Astronomy, Part II, 1996. Photograph by Eaden Lilley (GJ417-C)
Cambridge University, Institute of Astronomy, 1996.
Institute of Astronomy, 1996
37th Herstmonceux Conference 'HST and the high redshift universe' in honour of Professor A. Boksenberg, 1-5 July 1996. Colour photograph (framed) in Library Rare Books Room.
38th Herstmonceux Conference 'The stellar initial mass function' 14-18 July 1997. Colour photograph (framed) by Eaden Lilley in Library Rare Book Room.
Oort Centenary Meeting, Leiden, April 2000: group photo, 2000
Institute of Astronomy: 'Omega Centauri workshop', 13-16 August 2001. Colour photograph by Eaden Lilley (framed) Library: Rare Books Room.
Institute of Astronomy: 'Making Light of Gravity' conference in honour of Sir Martin Rees, 8-12 July 2002. Photograph by Eaden Lilley in LRB
Institute of Astronomy: 'The Quest for a Concordance Cosmology and Beyond' conference, 5-9 July 2004 (to commemorate 300 years of the Plumian Professorship). Photograph by Eaden Lilley in LRB
Institute of Astronomy: 'Starbursts - from 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies' conference, 6-10 September 2004. Photograph by Eaden Lilley in LRB
E.27.1 & HIN504 (framed)
Institute of Astronomy: 'Mass and Mystery in the Local Group' conference, 18-22 July 2005 (to commemorate the 70th birthday of Professor Donald Lynden-Bell) Photograph by Eaden Lilley in LRB
E.27.1 & HIN503 (framed)
Institute of Astronomy: 'Planet-Disc Connection' conference, 17-21 July 2006. Photograph by Eaden Lilley in LRB
Institute of Astronomy: 'Unsolved problems in stellar physics' conference in honour of Professor Douglas Gough, 2-6 July 2007. Photograph by Eaden Lilley in LRB
Institute of Astronomy: 'Putting gravity to work: From black holes to galaxy clusters' conference in honour of Professor Andy Fabian, 21-25 July 2008. Photograph by Eaden Lilley in HCR
Institute of Astronomy: 'Angular momentum transport and energy release in accretion discs' conference to commemorate the 60th birthday of Professor James Pringle, 7-8 September 2009. Photograph by Lafayette in LRB
Institute of Astronomy: 'Darkness visible: dark matter in astrophysics & particle physics' conference, 2-6 August 2010. Photograph by Lafayette
E.27.1 & HIN500 (framed)
Institute of Astronomy: 'New horizons for high redshifts' conference, 25-29 July 2011. Photograph by Lafayette. E.27.1
Institute of Astronomy: 'Mind the Gap: from microphysics to the large-scale structure of the Universe' conference, 8-12 August 2013. Photograph by Lafayette. E.27.1(boxed)
Institute of Astronomy: 'LSST@Europe: the path to science' conference, 9-12 September 2013. Photograph by Amanda Smith Apollo
Institute of Astronomy: 'Characterizing Planetary Systems Across the HR Diagram' conference 28 July - 1 August 2014. Photograph by Lafayette (IMG 7519). E.27.1 (unframed)
Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge: 'GPE@60 From Galaxies to Large Scale Structure and the CMB' conference 1-3 September 2015 to celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor George Efstathiou. Photograph by Marisa Grove Apollo
Institute of Astronomy: 'Binary Stars In Cambridge' conference 24-30 July 2016. Photograph by Lafayette (IMG 9359). E.27.1 (framed)
Institute of Astronomy: 'Dark Energy Survey December Collaboration Meeting' conference, 12-16 December 2016. Photograph by Amanda Smith Apollo
Institute of Astronomy: 'TDE17: Piercing the Sphere of Influence' conference, 11-15 September 2017. [TDE = Tidal Disruption Event]. Photograph by Amanda Smith Apollo
Institute of Astronomy: 'The Laws of Star Formation: From the Cosmic Dawn to the Present Universe' conference in honour of Professor Robert C. Kennicutt Jnr. 2-7 July 2018. Group photograph by Amanda Smith Apollo
Institute of Astronomy: 'Stars 2020' conference marking the 80th birthday of Peter Eggleton. 14-20 August 2022.