The Institute of Astronomy is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all, where every person is treated with dignity and respect regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender identity, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, or position within the Institute. In particular, bullying and harassment of any group or individual will not be tolerated.
IoA anonymous reporting tool
The Institute recognises that some people might not feel comfortable making an informal or formal complaint, so we have developed an in-house anonymous reporting tool that enables anyone (student, staff, or visitor) to completely anonymously report any inappropriate behaviour of any kind from staff, students, members of the community, or visitors, including (but not limited to) harassment, bullying, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Note that all questions are optional so you do not have to answer anything you feel uncomfortable providing. Please note that this tool can be used to report incidents of misconduct which occur within the Institute, or which affect members of the Institute but which occur elsewhere (including outside the University) if they are in some way connected with the IoA.
To go to the IoA anonymous reporting tool please copy-paste the following link into the browser (note that accessing the link below from outside the IoA network would avoid there being any record within the IoA of you having accessed the tool though there would never be a record of having submitted it):
Reports made using this tool are fully anonymous (no identifying data is requested or saved), and will only be accessible by the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Co-Chairs, the Departmental Administrator, and a responsible person nominated by the EDI Committee (to aid in analysis of data). The information provided will be collated and analysed to help monitor the prevalence of incidents that take place, to understand the impact of initiatives run by the Institute, and why people may choose not to report misconduct through other (non-anonymous) mechanisms. It is important to note that the Institute cannot take disciplinary action as a result of anonymous reporting, however, the Institute considers any such report to be highly valuable to ensure a safe working environment, and will use the data collected to inform departmental policies/practices and to address and inform the community if misconduct is taking place. Alternative options for reporting which can lead to direct action are provided below.
If you have any feedback about the wording or options within the anonymous reporting tool, please contact the EDI Committee Chairs ( and/or, or any members of the EDI Committee.
Other informal and formal reporting options
As a University student, staff member or visitor you can anonymously report to the University some types of inappropriate behaviour here:
This differs from the IoA's tool here below in two ways: the University tool can be used to report only a subset of inappropriate behaviours and the information collated is not communicated to the IoA. If the inappropriate behaviour is listed on the University tool you are encouraged to use both tools.
The Institute/University cannot take direct action as a result of anonymous reporting. If you wish action to be taken, you need to formally report an incident to the Institute, College, University, or the Police. If you are a student find out more at:
If you are a staff member then find information at:
Specifically there is a new University tool for non-anonymous reporting here:
The Institute has several Wellbeing Advocates ( who have received University training and can provide guidance and signposting service about wellbeing issues, including mental or physical health, and dignity at work concerns. You can also confidentially raise concerns by phone or email with University Dignity@Work contacts ( who can advise you on sources of support and/or options for formal and informal reporting.