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Institute of Astronomy


Electronic Journals

A&A Astronomy & Astrophysics     
A&A Supplement Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement     
A&AR Astronomy and Astrophysics Review     
A&G Astronomy & Geophysics     
AApTr Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions     
AcA Acta Astronomica     
ADS NASA Astrophysics Data System     
AJ The Astronomical Journal     
AmSci American Scientist     
AN Astronomical Notes / Astronomical Nachrichten     
Ap Astrophysics     
Ap&SS Astrophysics and Space Science     
ApJ The Astrophysical Journal     
ApJSS The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series     
ARAA Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics     
ARNPS Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science     
arXiv arXiv astro-ph     
AsBio Astrobiology     
ASPCS Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series     
ASR Advances in Space Research (a COSPAR publication)     
AstL Astronomy Letters     
AstR Astronomy Reports     
BAAS Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society     
BAV Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne     
BCAO Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory     
BJHS The British Journal for the History of Science     
ChA Chinese Astronomy (published 1977-1980)     
ChA&A Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics     
CJAA Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Vols 1-8 (2001-8)     
CJP Canadian Journal of Physics     
CMDA Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy     
CoSka Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnat     
CQGra Classical and Quantum Gravity     
CUR Cambridge University Reporter     
EM&P Earth, Moon, and Planets     
ESA Bulletin European Space Agency Bulletin     
ExA Experimental Astronomy     
FAS Newsletter Federation of Astronomical Societies Newsletter (UK)     
Galaxies Galaxies — Open Access Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy & Astrophysics     
GApFD Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics     
GReGr General Relativity and Gravitation     
GRL Geophysical Research Letters     
IAU Proceedings Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (Symposia, Colloquia etc.)     
IAUC International Astronomical Union Circulars     
IBVS Information Bulletin on Variable Stars     
Icarus Icarus - International Journal of Solar System Studies     
IJAsB International Journal of Astrobiology     
IJMPD International Journal of Modern Physics D     
ISRN ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics     
JA&A Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy     
JAAVSO The Journal of the American Association Of Variable Star Observers     
JAD The Journal of Astronomical Data     
JAHH The Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage     
JAI Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation     
JBAA Journal of the British Astronomical Association     
JCAP Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics     
JHA Journal for the History of Astronomy     
JMP Journal of Mathematical Physics     
JoAA Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics     
JoPA Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical     
JoPD Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics     
Journal of Cosmology Journal of Cosmology     
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics     
JSA Journal of Skyscape Archaeology     
Khagol Khagol     
LPI Contributions Lunar & Planetary Institute Contributions     
MCNews The Magellanic Clouds Newsletter     
Mem.S.A.It. Memorie della SAIt     
MNRAS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society     
MPEC Minor Planet Electronic Circulars     
MPS Meteoritics & Planetary Science     
Nat. Astron. Nature Astronomy     
Nature Nature - the international weekly journal of science     
NewA New Astronomy     
NewAR New Astronomy Reviews (formerly Vistas in Astronomy)     
NIST NIST Journal of Research (was NBS)     
NJP New Journal of Physics     
Notes and Records Notes and Records of the Royal Society     
P&SS Planetary and Space Science     
PASA (2013-) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia     
PASA (old issues) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia     
PASJ Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan     
PASP Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific     
Phil. Trans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1665-1886)     
Phil. Trans. A. Philosophical Transactions A.     
Physics Reports Physics Reports     
PhysRevD Physical Review D     
PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences     
PRL Physical Review Letters     
Proc.Roy.Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 1854-1904     
PSS Planetary and Space Science     
RAA Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics     
RevMexAA Revista Mexicana de Astronomia     
RMP Reviews of Modern Physics     
RNAAS Research Notes of the AAS     
RPP Reports on Progress in Physics     
Sci.Am. Scientific American     
Science Science     
Sol.Sys.Res. Solar System Research     
SoPh Solar Physics     
SSRv Space Science Reviews     
The Open Journal of Astrophysics The Open Journal of Astrophysics     
TOAJ The Open Astronomy Journal     


AAE Association for Astronomy Education     
AAS American Astronomical Society     
ADS (Nottingham mirror) ADS abstract service     
AFOEV Association of French Variable Star Observers     
AIP Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam     
ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics     
Armagh Observatory Observatory, planetarium, research institute in Armagh, Northern Ireland.     
ASB Astrobiology Society of Britain     
ASP Astronomical Society of the Pacific     
ASTRON Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy     
Astronomer's Bazaar The CDS Service for astronomical Catalogues     
ASV Astronomical Society of Victoria     
BAA British Astronomical Association     
BAP British Association of Planetaria     
BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Mesures     
BIS The British Interplanetary Society     
BSA British Science Association     
BSS The British Sundial Society     
Cambridgeshire Astronomers Biographies of astronomers in Cambridgeshire or those who worked at the Cambridge Observatory     
Cardiff School of Physics and Astronomy (Cardiff)     
Cavendish Astrophysics Astrophysics Group     
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research (main site)     
CfA Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics     
CUAS Cambridge University Astronomical Society     
CUP Cambridge University Press     
DAMTP Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics     
degreecommittee Degree Committee of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry     
DIAS Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies / Dunsink Observatory     
EANA European Astrobiology Network Association     
EAS European Astronomical Society     
ESA European Space Agency (main site)     
ESA European Space Agency (science site)     
ESO European Southern Observatory     
FAS Federation of Astronomical Societies     
HMNAO HM Nautical Almanac Office     
IAU The International Astronomical Union     
IAU star names Advice on buying star names     
IfA Institute for Astronomy (Edinburgh)     
IoA Institute of Astronomy     
IUCAA The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Pune, India)     
IYA International Year of Astronomy 2009     
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory     
Kavli Kavli Foundation     
KIAA The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University     
KICC Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge     
KICP The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (Chicago)     
KIPAC Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology (Stanford)     
Leiden university observatory     
MKI MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research     
MPE Max-Planck-Institut for Extraterrestrial Physics     
MPIA Max-Planck-Institut for Astronomy     
MRAO Cavendish Astrophysics group     
NAI NASA Astrobiology Institute     
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (main website)     
NASA STI NASA STI (scientific and technical information)     
physchemfaculty Faculty of Physics and Chemistry     
PI Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics     
RAS Royal Astronomical Society     
ROE The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh     
Roy.Soc. The Royal Society     
Royal Observatory Greenwich      
Society for the History of Astronomy      
SPA The Society for Popular Astronomy     
STFC Science and Technology Facilities Council     
STScI Space Telescope Science Institute     
UK ATC UK Astronomy Technology Centre     
UKSA UK Space Agency     
University of Cambridge University of Cambridge (main website)     
Webb Society The Webb Deep-Sky Society     
WHS The William Herschel Society     


AAO The Anglo-Australian Observatory (library site)     
BGML Betty and Gordon Moore Library     
CfA John G. Wolbach Library and Information Resource Center     
CUL Cambridge University Library     
ESO Libraries ESO Libraries     
Historic Libraries Forum      
IoA Library IoA Library (iDiscover catalogue)     
NRAO Library National Radio Astronomy Observatory     
RAS Library Royal Astronomical Society Library & Archives     
Rayleigh Library Department of Physics, University of Cambridge     
ROE Royal Observatory Edinburgh (library site)     
STScI Library Space Telescope Science Institute Library     

Observational Resources (surveys, telescopes, instruments)

AAO Australian Astronomical Observatory     
ALMA Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array     
CASU Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit     
Chandra Chandra X-ray Observatory     
DES Dark Energy Survey     
DESI The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument     
FT Faulkes Telescope     
GAIA ESA Gaia mission     
Gaia in the UK      
Gemini Gemini Observatory     
HST Hubble Space Telescope     
HST Hubble Space Telescope news     
Hubble Heritage Gallery      
ING The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes     
IoA All Sky Camera view of the sky from the Observatory Building roof     
JBCA Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics     
JWST James Webb Space Telescope     
LIGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory     
local weather Met Office forecast for Cambridge     
LRT Liverpool Robotic Telescope     
LSST Large Synoptic Survey Telescope     
MERLIN MERLIN/VLBI National Facility     
MWO Mount Wilson Observatory     
Night Sky Gazing A beginners guide to astronomy as a hobby     
NOAO The National Optical Astronomy Observatory     
NSO National Solar Observatory     
NuSTAR Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array     
Physics Innovation Robotic Astronomical Telescope Explorer      
PLANCK ESA Planck     
SDO Solar Dynamics Observatory     
SKA Square Kilometre Array     
SOHO Solar & Heliospheric Observatory     
STEREO Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory     
Suzaku Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite     
TORRO British Weather Extremes Includes weather records of the Cambridge Observatory     
VISTA Visible & Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy     
WMAP Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe     
XMM-Newton XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre     


AAS Job Register Job vacancies in astronomy     
RAS Jobs List Listing of job opportunities in astronomy and geophysics     
The PhD and Careers in Astronomy in the UK A report from the Royal Astronomical Society (2005)     

Other journals and newsletters

APCosPA The Universe : newsletter, journal of APCosPA Asia Pacific Organization for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics     
Astronomy Now Astronomy Now     
BAA VSS Circular BAA Variable Star Section Circular     
BaltA Baltic Astronomy     
BASI The Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India     
BIPM Circular T BIPM Time Department Circular T     
CAP Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal     
Capella CAA-CYA Newsletter     
CHAMA Newsletter Commission for the History of Ancient and Medieval Astronomy     
CRAF Newsletter The Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies Newsletter     
ESO-journal The ESO Messenger     
IAU26 IAU Commission 26 Information Circular     
JBIS Journal of the British Interplanetary Society     
L'Astronomie L'Astronomie - La revue de la Société Astronomique de France     
LPI Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin     
MNASSA Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa     
New Scientist New Scientist     
NOAO/NSO NOAO/NSO Newsletter     
Obs The Observatory     
Physics Today Physics Today     
Physics World Physics World (archive)     
Physics World Physics World     
RoAJ Romanian Astronomical Journal     
ROOM The Space Journal     
S&T Sky & Telescope     
SPACE:UK Magazine of the UK Space Agency     
TA The Astronomer     
TSFN The Star Formation Newsletter     
UitC ASP - The Universe in the Classroom     
UKIRT UK Infrared Telescope Newsletter     
ZvD ZVAIGZNOTA DEBESS - The Starry Sky (Latvian)     


APOD Astronomy Picture of the Day     
AstroGrid AstroGrid is the doorway to the Virtual Observatory (VO)     
Heavens above Planetarium, satellite info etc.     
IoA Apollo University of Cambridge institutional digital repository     
NASA ADS NASA Astrophysics Data Service     
space space news     
Stellarium Planetarium software     
thesaurus The Astronomy Thesaurus     
Universe Today Space and astronomy news     


ARIBIB Astronomisches Rechen-Institut BIBliographical Database for Astronomical References     
arXiv arXiv preprints including astro-ph     
Astronomer's Bazaar Access to catalogues     
BCB Bibliography of Close Binaries (IAU Commission 42)     
CADC Canadian Astronomy Data Centre     
CDS Service of Abstracts at CDS     
EPE Extrasolar Planet Encyclopedia     
Galileo Live and work of Galileo Galilei     
ISSTT International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology     
NED NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database     
PDS NASA Planetary Data System (PDS)     
SIMBAD SIMBAD Astronomical Database     
SPIE Digital Library SPIE Proceedings and other publications     
The Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge Digital Library     
Who's Who online version of the well known reference book, includes Who Was Who, too.     



Astroimagery tips for capturing stunning images of deep-sky objects     
Astronomy For Kids: A Comprehensive Guide To Explore The Wonders Of Outer Space from Home [2022] A guide to encouraging childrens interest in astronomy     
Best Educations Sites: Astronomy and Space Sites Useful educational resources     
Catalogus novus stellarum duplicium et multiplicium maxima ex parte in specula universitatis caesareae Dorpatensis per magnum telescopium achromaticum Fraunhoferi detectarum / auctore F. G. W. Struve scanned copy of Struve 'Catalogus novus' 1827     
Professor Roger Griffin's Unpublished Scientific Data Unpublished radial-velocity observations of stars     
Letters of Sir John Herschel digitized letters of Sir John Herschel in the archive of the Royal Society;    
Rehab4Addiction Advice and information on drug and alcholol problems;    
Research Information Network (guidance docs) Acknowledgement of funders in journal articles     
Space: The Best Games & Resources Links for learning and leisure games     
The Feynman Lectures on Physics web version of the popular 3 volume edition   


Local Astronomical Societies

Astrospeakers Professional (and amateur) astronomers giving talks     
BAS Bedford Astronomical Society     
breckland Breckland Astronomical Society (Breckland and South Norfolk area)     
CAA Cambridge Astronomical Association     
elyastroclub Ely Astronomy Club     
LAS Luton Astronomical Society     
LDAS Letchworth & District Astronomical Society     
MKAS Milton Keynes Astronomical Society     
NVAS Nene Valley Astronomical Society (Wellingborough and East Northants)     
OASI Orwell Astronomical Society (Ipswich)     
Papworth Papworth Astronomy Club (Cambridgeshire)     
SAS Stour Astronomical Society (Suffolk)