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Institute of Astronomy



Title  Date  Speaker 
The Chemistry of Planet Formation and the Making of Habitable Planets 8 March 2018 Karin I. Öberg (Harvard University) 
Physical Manifestations of Evolution, Regularity and Chaos In and Around Our Galaxy 9 March 2017 Kathryn Johnston (Columbia University) 
Kepler, the Architectures of Exoplanet Systems & Implications for Planet Formation 10 March 2016 Eric Ford (Penn State University) 
Ghostly Galaxies: exploring the universe with the Dragonfly Telescope 12 March 2015 Pieter Van Dokkum (Yale) 
Galaxy Evolution in 3-D 13 February 2014 Professor Lisa Kewley (ANU) 
The Turbulent Environment of Planet Formation 7 March 2013 Phil Armitage (Colorado) 
Galaxies Viewed as Collections of Individual Stars 8 March 2012 Professor Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington 
Astronomy: A Subject on the Cusp 10 March 2011 Shri Kulkarni, Caltech 
Searching for Life on Mars 11 March 2010 Peter Smith, Lunar and Planetary Lab, University of Arizona