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Detailed cool star flare morphology with CHEOPS and TESS

Recent IoA Publications - Wed, 27/03/2024 - 11:41
arXiv:2403.17065v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Context. White-light stellar flares are proxies for some of the most energetic types of flares, but their triggering mechanism is still poorly understood. As they are associated with strong X and UV emission, their study is particularly relevant to estimate the amount of high-energy irradiation onto the atmospheres of exoplanets, especially those in their stars' habitable zone. Aims. We used the high-cadence, high-photometric capabilities of the CHEOPS and TESS space telescopes to study the detailed morphology of white-light flares occurring in a sample of 130 late-K and M stars, and compared our findings with results obtained at a lower cadence. We developed dedicated software for this purpose. Results. Multi-peak flares represent a significant percentage ($\gtrsim 30$\%) of the detected outburst events. Our findings suggest that high-impulse flares are more frequent than suspected from lower-cadence data, so that the most impactful flux levels that hit close-in exoplanets might be more time-limited than expected. We found significant differences in the duration distributions of single-peak and complex flare components, but not in their peak luminosity. A statistical analysis of the flare parameter distributions provides marginal support for their description with a log-normal instead of a power-law function, leaving the door open to several flare formation scenarios. We tentatively confirmed previous results about quasi-periodic pulsations in high-cadence photometry, report the possible detection of a pre-flare dip, and did not find hints of photometric variability due to an undetected flare background. Conclusions. The high-cadence study of stellar hosts might be crucial to evaluate the impact of their flares on close-in exoplanets, as their impulsive phase emission might otherwise be incorrectly estimated. Future telescopes such as PLATO and Ariel will help in this respect.

IXPE Operations Update

Astronomy News - Wed, 27/03/2024 - 11:36

1 min read

IXPE Operations Update

On March 23, NASA’s IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) stopped transmitting valid telemetry data. The only previous interruption of IXPE science observations was due to a similar issue in June of 2023.

On March 26, using procedures developed following that previous interruption, the team initiated a spacecraft avionics reset to address the issue, which put IXPE into a planned safe mode. The team has confirmed that IXPE is once again transmitting valid telemetry data and is now working to resume science operations, in as rapid and safe a manner as possible. The spacecraft is in good health.

Launched in 2021, IXPE is a space observatory built to discover the secrets of some of the most extreme cosmic objects – the remnants of supernova explosions, neutron stars, powerful particle streams ejected by feeding black holes, and more. The observatory is NASA’s first mission to study the polarization of X-rays from many different types of celestial objects. Follow the IXPE blog for further updates. 

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Precise characterisation of HD 15337 with CHEOPS: a laboratory for planet formation and evolution

Recent IoA Publications - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 10:13
arXiv:2403.16621v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We aim to constrain the internal structure and composition of HD 15337 b and c, two short-period planets situated on opposite sides of the radius valley, using new transit photometry and radial velocity data. We acquire 6 new transit visits with the CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) and 32 new radial velocity measurements from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) to improve the accuracy of the mass and radius estimates for both planets. We reanalyse light curves from TESS sectors 3 and 4 and analyse new data from sector 30, correcting for long-term stellar activity. Subsequently, we perform a joint fit of the TESS and CHEOPS light curves, and all available RV data from HARPS and the Planet Finder Spectrograph (PFS). Our model fits the planetary signals, the stellar activity signal and the instrumental decorrelation model for the CHEOPS data simultaneously. The stellar activity was modelled using a Gaussian-process regression on both the RV and activity indicators. We finally employ a Bayesian retrieval code to determine the internal composition and structure of the planets. We derive updated and highly precise parameters for the HD 15337 system. Our improved precision on the planetary parameters makes HD 15337 b one of the most precisely characterised rocky exoplanets, with radius and mass measurements achieving a precision better than 2\% and 7\%, respectively. We are able to improve the precision of the radius measurement of HD 15337 c to 3\%. Our results imply that the composition of HD 15337 b is predominantly rocky, while HD 15337 c exhibits a gas envelope with a mass of at least $0.01\ M_\oplus$.Our results lay the groundwork for future studies, which can further unravel the atmospheric evolution of these exoplanets and give new insights into their composition and formation history and the causes behind the radius gap.

Uncovering the Ghostly Remains of an Extremely Diffuse Satellite in the Remote Halo of NGC\,253

Recent IoA Publications - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 10:04
arXiv:2403.16011v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We present the discovery of NGC253-SNFC-dw1, a new satellite galaxy in the remote stellar halo of the Sculptor Group spiral, NGC 253. The system was revealed using deep resolved star photometry obtained as part of the Subaru Near-Field Cosmology Survey that uses the Hyper Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. Although rather luminous ($\rm{M_{V}} = -11.7 \pm 0.2$) and massive ($M_* \sim 1.25\times 10^7~\rm{M}_{\odot}$), the system is one of the most diffuse satellites yet known, with a half-light radius of $\rm{R_{h}} = 3.37 \pm 0.36$ kpc and an average surface brightness of $\sim 30.1$ mag arcmin$^{-2}$ within the $\rm{R_{h}}$. The colour-magnitude diagram shows a dominant old ($\sim 10$ Gyr) and metal-poor ($\rm{[M/H]}=-1.5 \pm 0.1$ dex) stellar population, as well as several candidate thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars. The distribution of red giant branch stars is asymmetrical and displays two elongated tidal extensions pointing towards NGC 253, suggestive of a highly disrupted system being observed at apocenter. NGC253-SNFC-dw1 has a size comparable to that of the puzzling Local Group dwarfs Andromeda XIX and Antlia 2 but is two magnitudes brighter. While unambiguous evidence of tidal disruption in these systems has not yet been demonstrated, the morphology of NGC253-SNFC-dw1 clearly shows that this is a natural path to produce such diffuse and extended galaxies. The surprising discovery of this system in a previously well-searched region of the sky emphasizes the importance of surface brightness limiting depth in satellite searches.

The First High-Contrast Images of Near High-Mass X-Ray Binaries with Keck/NIRC2

Recent IoA Publications - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 10:03
arXiv:2403.15845v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Although the study of X-ray binaries has led to major breakthroughs in high-energy astrophysics, their circumbinary environment at scales of $\sim$100--10,000 astronomical units has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we undertake a novel and exploratory study by employing direct and high-contrast imaging techniques on a sample of X-ray binaries, using adaptive optics and the vortex coronagraph on Keck/NIRC2. High-contrast imaging opens up the possibility to search for exoplanets, brown dwarfs, circumbinary companion stars, and protoplanetary disks in these extreme systems. Here, we present the first near-infrared high-contrast images of 13 high-mass X-ray binaries located within $\sim$2--3 kpc. The key results of this campaign involve the discovery of several candidate circumbinary companions ranging from sub-stellar (brown dwarf) to stellar masses. By conducting an analysis based on galactic population models, we discriminate sources that are likely background/foreground stars and isolate those that have a high probability ($\gtrsim 60 - 99\%$) of being gravitationally bound to the X-ray binary. This publication seeks to establish a preliminary catalog for future analyses of proper motion and subsequent observations. With our preliminary results, we calculate the first estimate of the companion frequency and the multiplicity frequency for X-ray binaries: $\approx$0.6 and 1.8 $\pm$ 0.9 respectively, considering only the sources that are most likely bound to the X-ray binary. In addition to extending our comprehension of how brown dwarfs and stars can form and survive in such extreme systems, our study opens a new window to our understanding of the formation of X-ray binaries.

Modeling Circumstellar Gas Emission around a White Dwarf Using Cloudy

Recent IoA Publications - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 10:03
arXiv:2403.15794v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The chemical composition of an extrasolar planet is fundamental to its formation, evolution and habitability. In this study, we explore a new way to measure the chemical composition of the building blocks of extrasolar planets, by measuring the gas composition of the disrupted planetesimals around white dwarf stars. As a first attempt, we used the photo-ionization code Cloudy to model the circumstellar gas emission around a white dwarf Gaia J0611$-$6931 under some simplified assumptions. We found most of the emission lines are saturated and the line ratios approaching the ratios of thermal emission; therefore only lower limits to the number density can be derived. Silicon is the best constrained element in the circumstellar gas and we derived a lower limit of 10$^{10.3}$ cm$^{-3}$. In addition, we placed a lower limit on the total amount of gas to be 1.8 $\times$ 10$^{19}$ g. Further study is needed to better constrain the parameters of the gas disk and connect it to other white dwarfs with circumstellar gas absorption.

NASA to Launch Sounding Rockets into Moon’s Shadow During Solar Eclipse

Astronomy News - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 09:58

5 min read

NASA to Launch Sounding Rockets into Moon’s Shadow During Solar Eclipse

NASA will launch three sounding rockets during the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, to study how Earth’s upper atmosphere is affected when sunlight momentarily dims over a portion of the planet.

The Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP) sounding rockets will launch from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia to study the disturbances in the ionosphere created when the Moon eclipses the Sun. The sounding rockets had been previously launched and successfully recovered from White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico, during the October 2023 annular solar eclipse. They have been refurbished with new instrumentation and will be relaunched in April 2024. The mission is led by Aroh Barjatya, a professor of engineering physics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida, where he directs the Space and Atmospheric Instrumentation Lab.

This photo shows the three APEP sounding rockets and the support team after successful assembly. The team lead, Aroh Barjatya, is at the top center, standing next to the guardrails on the second floor. NASA/Berit Bland

The sounding rockets will launch at three different times: 45 minutes before, during, and 45 minutes after the peak local eclipse. These intervals are important to collect data on how the Sun’s sudden disappearance affects the ionosphere, creating disturbances that have the potential to interfere with our communications.

This conceptual animation is an example of what observers might expect to see during a total solar eclipse, like the one happening over the United States on April 8, 2024. NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio.

The ionosphere is a region of Earth’s atmosphere that is between 55 to 310 miles (90 to 500 kilometers) above the ground. “It’s an electrified region that reflects and refracts radio signals, and also impacts satellite communications as the signals pass through,” said Barjatya. “Understanding the ionosphere and developing models to help us predict disturbances is crucial to making sure our increasingly communication-dependent world operates smoothly.”

The ionosphere forms the boundary between Earth’s lower atmosphere – where we live and breathe – and the vacuum of space. It is made up of a sea of particles that become ionized, or electrically charged, from the Sun’s energy, or solar radiation. When night falls, the ionosphere thins out as previously ionized particles relax and recombine back into neutral particles. However, Earth’s terrestrial weather and space weather can impact these particles, making it a dynamic region and difficult to know what the ionosphere will be like at a given time. 

An animation depicts changes in the ionosphere over a 24-hour period. The red and yellow swaths represent high-density ionized particles during the day. The purple dots represent neutral, relaxed particles at night. NASA/Krystofer Kim

It’s often difficult to study short-term changes in the ionosphere during an eclipse with satellites because they may not be at the right place or time to cross the eclipse path. Since the exact date and times of the total solar eclipse are known, NASA can launch targeted sounding rockets to study the effects of the eclipse at the right time and at all altitudes of the ionosphere.

As the eclipse shadow races through the atmosphere, it creates a rapid, localized sunset that triggers large-scale atmospheric waves and small-scale disturbances, or perturbations. These perturbations affect different radio communication frequencies. Gathering the data on these perturbations will help scientists validate and improve current models that help predict potential disturbances to our communications, especially high frequency communication. 

The animation depicts the waves created by ionized particles during the 2017 total solar eclipse. MIT Haystack Observatory/Shun-rong Zhang. Zhang, S.-R., Erickson, P. J., Goncharenko, L. P., Coster, A. J., Rideout, W. & Vierinen, J. (2017). Ionospheric Bow Waves and Perturbations Induced by the 21 August 2017 Solar Eclipse. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(24), 12,067-12,073.

The APEP rockets are expected to reach a maximum altitude of 260 miles (420 kilometers). Each rocket will measure charged and neutral particle density and surrounding electric and magnetic fields. “Each rocket will eject four secondary instruments the size of a two-liter soda bottle that also measure the same data points, so it’s similar to results from fifteen rockets, while only launching three,” explained Barjatya. Three secondary instruments on each rocket were built by Embry-Riddle, and the fourth one was built at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.

In addition to the rockets, several teams across the U.S. will also be taking measurements of the ionosphere by various means. A team of students from Embry-Riddle will deploy a series of high-altitude balloons. Co-investigators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Haystack Observatory in Massachusetts, and the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico, will operate a variety of ground-based radars taking measurements. Using this data, a team of scientists from Embry-Riddle and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory are refining existing models. Together, these various investigations will help provide the puzzle pieces needed to see the bigger picture of ionospheric dynamics.

A sounding rocket is able to carry science instruments between 30 and 300 miles above Earth’s surface. These altitudes are typically too high for science balloons and too low for satellites to access safely, making sounding rockets the only platforms that can carry out direct measurements in these regions. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

When the APEP sounding rockets launched during the 2023 annular solar eclipse, scientists saw a sharp reduction in the density of charged particles as the annular eclipse shadow passed over the atmosphere. “We saw the perturbations capable of affecting radio communications in the second and third rockets, but not during the first rocket that was before peak local eclipse” said Barjatya. “We are super excited to relaunch them during the total eclipse, to see if the perturbations start at the same altitude and if their magnitude and scale remain the same.”

The next total solar eclipse over the contiguous U.S. is not until 2044, so these experiments are a rare opportunity for scientists to collect crucial data.

The APEP launches will be live streamed via NASA’s Wallops’ official YouTube page and featured in NASA’s official broadcast of the total solar eclipse. The public can also watch the launches in person from 1-4 p.m. at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center.

By Desiree Apodaca
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

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How did the Big Bang get its name? Here’s the real story

Astronomy News - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 09:56

Nature, Published online: 25 March 2024; doi:10.1038/d41586-024-00894-z

Astronomer Fred Hoyle supposedly coined the catchy term to ridicule the theory of the Universe’s origins — 75 years on, it’s time to set the record straight.

Huge crater in India hints at major meteorite impact 4000 years ago

Astronomy News - Tue, 26/03/2024 - 09:55

The Luna structure, a 1.8-kilometre-wide depression in north-west India, may have been caused by the largest meteorite to strike Earth in the past 50,000 years

Decaying turbulence in molecular clouds: how does it affect filament networks and star formation?

Recent IoA Publications - Mon, 25/03/2024 - 10:36
arXiv:2307.12428v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: The fragmentation of gas to form stars in molecular clouds is intrinsically linked to the turbulence within them. These internal motions are set at the birth of the cloud and may vary with galactic environment and as the cloud evolves. In this paper, we introduce a new suite of 15 high-resolution 3D molecular cloud simulations using the moving mesh code AREPO to investigate the role of different decaying turbulent modes (mixed, compressive and solenoidal) and virial ratios on the evolution of a $10^4\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ molecular cloud. We find that diffuse regions maintain a strong relic of the initial turbulent mode, whereas the initial gravitational potential dominates dense regions. Solenoidal seeded models thus give rise to a diffuse cloud with filament-like morphology, and an excess of brown dwarf mass fragments. Compressive seeded models have an early onset of star-formation, centrally condensed morphologies and a higher accretion rate, along with overbound clouds. 3D filaments identified using DisPerSE and analyzed through a new Python toolkit we develop and make publicly available with this work called FIESTA, show no clear trend in lengths, masses and densities between initial turbulent modes. Overbound clouds, however, produce more filaments and thus have more mass in filaments. The hubs formed by converging filaments are found to favour star-formation, with surprisingly similar mass distributions independent of the number of filaments connecting the hub.

A Surface Hydrothermal Source of Nitriles and Isonitriles

Recent IoA Publications - Mon, 25/03/2024 - 10:32
arXiv:2403.15135v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Giant impacts can generate transient hydrogen-rich atmospheres, reducing atmospheric carbon. The reduced carbon will form hazes that rain out onto the surface and can become incorporated into the crust. Once heated, a large fraction of the carbon would be converted into graphite. The result is that local regions of the Hadean crust were plausibly saturated with graphite. We explore the consequences of such a crust for a prebiotic surface hydrothermal vent scenario. We model a surface vent fed by nitrogen-rich volcanic gas from high-temperature magmas passing through graphite-saturated crust. We consider this occurring at pressures of 1-1000 bar and temperatures of 1500-1700 degC. The equilibrium with graphite purifies the left-over gas, resulting in substantial quantities of nitriles (0.1% HCN and 1 ppm HC3N) and isonitriles (0.01% HNC) relevant for prebiotic chemistry. We use these results to predict gas-phase concentrations of methyl isonitrile of ~ 1 ppm. Methyl isocyanide can participate in the non-enzymatic activation and ligation of the monomeric building blocks of life, and surface, or shallow, hydrothermal environments provide its only known equilibrium geochemical source.

Bases, experiments, mining: the race to protect the surface of the moon

Astronomy News - Mon, 25/03/2024 - 10:24

Researchers say ‘global consensus’ is needed within the next few years to protect scientifically important sites

Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, described the landscape he stepped on to as “magnificent desolation”. The Apollo landing sites were particularly bland, which was, of course, Nasa’s intention. The spots were selected, in part, for the smoothness of the surface and the lack of troublesome hills, cliffs and craters.

But in the past two decades, lunar research has revealed a richer picture of our natural satellite. Lunar pits that serve as skylights lead down to lava tubes big enough to house moon bases that would be naturally shielded from space radiation by overhanging rock. Deep craters at the lunar poles harbour ice deposits, a source of precious water, oxygen and hydrogen. Some are bordered by high ridges that catch the sun – crucial for solar power – all year round. Mixed into all that soil and rock is all manner of other valuable resources: titanium, aluminium, helium-3, precious metals and rare earth elements.

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Scientists call for protection of moon sites that could advance astronomy

Astronomy News - Mon, 25/03/2024 - 10:24

Fears raised that prime lunar locations for universe-unravelling instruments are in danger from imminent wave of human activity

Astronomers are calling for the urgent protection of sites on the moon that are rated the best spots in the solar system for advanced instruments designed to unveil the secrets of the universe.

The prime locations are free from ground vibration, shielded from Earth’s noisy broadcast signals or profoundly cold – making them uniquely well-suited for sensitive equipment that could make observations impossible from elsewhere.

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Thu 02 May 16:00: Experimental Studies of Black Holes: Status & Prospects

IoA Institute of Astronomy Talk Lists - Mon, 25/03/2024 - 10:18
Experimental Studies of Black Holes: Status & Prospects

More than a century ago, Albert Einstein presented his general theory of gravitation. One of the predictions of this theory is that not only particles and objects with mass, but also the quanta of light, photons, are tied to the curvature of space-time, and thus to gravity. There must be a critical mass density, above which photons cannot escape. These are black holes. It took fifty years before possible candidate objects were identified by observational astronomy. Another fifty years have passed, until we finally can present detailed and credible experimental evidence that black holes of 10 to 1010 times the mass of the Sun exist in the Universe. Three very different experimental techniques have enabled these critical experimental breakthroughs. It has become possible to investigate the space-time structure in the vicinity of the event horizons of black holes. I will summarize these interferometric techniques, and discuss the spectacular recent improvements achieved with all three techniques. In conclusion, I will sketch where the path of exploration and inquiry may lead to in the next decades.

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Thu 02 May 16:00: Experimental Studies of Black Holes: Status & Prospects

Next Colloquia - Mon, 25/03/2024 - 10:18
Experimental Studies of Black Holes: Status & Prospects

More than a century ago, Albert Einstein presented his general theory of gravitation. One of the predictions of this theory is that not only particles and objects with mass, but also the quanta of light, photons, are tied to the curvature of space-time, and thus to gravity. There must be a critical mass density, above which photons cannot escape. These are black holes. It took fifty years before possible candidate objects were identified by observational astronomy. Another fifty years have passed, until we finally can present detailed and credible experimental evidence that black holes of 10 to 1010 times the mass of the Sun exist in the Universe. Three very different experimental techniques have enabled these critical experimental breakthroughs. It has become possible to investigate the space-time structure in the vicinity of the event horizons of black holes. I will summarize these interferometric techniques, and discuss the spectacular recent improvements achieved with all three techniques. In conclusion, I will sketch where the path of exploration and inquiry may lead to in the next decades.

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‘Best view ever’: observatory will map Big Bang’s afterglow in new detail

Astronomy News - Sat, 23/03/2024 - 15:18

Nature, Published online: 22 March 2024; doi:10.1038/d41586-024-00333-z

The Simons Observatory will search for signs of gravitational waves that originated from the Big Bang.

Largest recorded solar storm was even bigger than we thought

Astronomy News - Sat, 23/03/2024 - 15:18

Rediscovered magnetic recordings reveal just how extreme the largest recorded solar storm in history, the Carrington event in 1859, really was, highlighting the danger such storms could present to us nowadays

NASA's mission to Europa isn't meant to find alien life - but it could

Astronomy News - Sat, 23/03/2024 - 14:51

Later this year, NASA is launching its Europa Clipper spacecraft to the icy moon of Jupiter. Its mission is only to investigate whether the moon is habitable, but now researchers have found that one of its instruments could look for direct signs of life

Is the RSGC4 (Alicante 8) cluster a real star cluster?: Peculiar radial velocities of red supergiant stars

Recent IoA Publications - Fri, 22/03/2024 - 11:47
arXiv:2403.13993v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Young massive star clusters, like the six red supergiant clusters in the Scutum complex, provide valuable insights into star-formation and galaxy structures. We investigated the high-resolution near-infrared spectra of 60 RSG candidates in these clusters using the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph. Among the candidates in RSGC4, we found significant scattering in radial velocity ($-64$ km/s to $115$ km/s), unlike other clusters with velocities of $\sim$100 km/s. Most candidates in RSGC4 have $Q_{GK_s}$ values larger than 1.7, suggesting that they could be early AGB stars. Four candidates in RSGC4 exhibit infrared excess and distinct absorption features absent in other candidates. Two of these stars exhibit absorption lines resembling those of D-type symbiotic stars, showing radial velocity changes in multi-epoch observations. Analysis of relative proper motions revealed no runaway/walkaway stars in RSGC4. The dynamic properties of RSGC4 and RSGC1 differ from the disk-like motions of other clusters: RSGC4 has low normalized horizontal action $J_\mathrm{hor}=J_\mathrm{\phi}/J_\mathrm{tot}$ and vertical action $J_\mathrm{ver}=(J_\mathrm{z}-J_\mathrm{R})/J_\mathrm{tot}$ values and high eccentricities, while RSGC1 has vertical motions with high $J_\mathrm{ver}$ values and inclinations. We propose that RSGC4 may not be a genuine star cluster but rather a composite of RSGs and AGBs distributed along the line of sight at similar distances, possibly originating from various environments. Our results suggest a complex and hierarchical secular evolution of star clusters in the Scutum complex, emphasizing the importance of considering factors beyond density crowding when identifying star clusters in the bulge regions.