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Institute of Astronomy


I am a second year PhD student in Astronomy at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.  I am interested in baryonic feedback and enjoy working at the intersection between astrophysics and cosmology.  In particular, I am working on methods for mitigating for feedback in weak lensing analyses and studying feedback as a potential solution to the S8 tension.  I work with both observational data, having recently co-led a joint DES cosmic shear + ACT kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich analysis, and hydrodynamical simulations, with which I am currently working on a modified AGN feedback model in the FABLE suite.  


Weak lensing combined with the kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect: A study of baryonic feedback - Bigwood & Amon et al. 2024 (submitted to MNRAS)

Evidence for episodic black hole growth of reionization-era quasars observed with Magellan/FIRE - Bigwood et al. 2024 (MNRAS)


PhD in Astronomy: Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge (2022-present)

MPhys Physics & Astronomy: Durham University (2018-2022)

Awards and Prizes

John Barrow Travel Award (Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, 2024)

D. A. Wright Prize for Outstanding Performance in Final Honours MPhys Physics and Astronomy (Durham University, 2022)

Level 4 Prize for Theoretical Astrophysics (Durham University, 2022)

Durham Physics Award for Outstanding Achievement (Durham University, 2020, 2021, 2022)

John Simpson Greenwell Memorial Fund (Durham University, 2020, 2021, 2022)

Galaxy formation

Contact Details

Email address: 
Obs O26


Clare Hall