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Institute of Astronomy



2023-present: PhD in Astronomy, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK

2022-2023: MASt in Astrophysics, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK

2019-2022: BSc in Physics with Theoretical Physics, Imperial College London, UK


Galactic Archaeology; Galactic Dynamics, Galaxy Formation/Evolution


Key publications: 

-- H. Zhang, V. Belokurov, N.W. Evans, Z.-Y. Li, J. Sanders, A. Arentsen, "Deciphering the Milky Way disc formation time encrypted in the chrono-kinematics of the bar", 2024, submitted to MNRAS (arxiv:2408.16815)
-- H. Zhang, V. Belokurov, N.W. Evans, S. Kane, J. Sanders, "Kinematics and dynamics of the Galactic bar revealed by Gaia long period variables", 2024, MNRAS, 533, 3395
-- H. Zhang, A. Arentsen, V. Belokurov, "On the existence of a very metal-poor disc in the Milky Way", 2024, MNRAS, 533, 889
-- H. Zhang, J. Sanders, "A kinematic calibration of the Mira variable period--age relation", 2023, MNRAS, 521, 1462

Other publications: 

-- S. Kane, V. Belokurov (co-author H. Zhang), "The Ones That Got Away: Chemical Tagging of Globular Cluster-Origin Stars with Gaia BP/RP Spectra", 2024, submitted to MNRAS (arXiv:2409.00197)
-- A. Arentsen, G. Monari (co-author H. Zhang), "The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey - VIII. Characterizing the orbital properties of the ancient, very metal-poor inner Milky Way", 2024, MNRAS, 530, 3391
-- N. Martin, E. Starkenburg (co-author H. Zhang), "The Pristine survey -- XXIII. Data Release 1 and an all-sky metallicity catalogue based on Gaia DR3 BP/RP spectro-photometry", 2023, submitted to A\&A (arXiv:2308.01344)

Contact Details

Email address: 
Obs O17


Churchill College