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Institute of Astronomy



I am a final-year PhD student researching exoplanet interiors, atmospheres and habitability, supervised by Prof. Nikku Madhusudhan. My main focus concerns the interiors of sub-Neptune exoplanets, including Hycean worlds. 

Selected papers

Toward a self-consistent evaluation of gas dwarf scenarios for temperate sub-Neptunes - F. E. Rigby et al., 2024, ApJ, 975, 101. Link

On the ocean conditions of Hycean worlds - F. E. Rigby & N. Madhusudhan, 2024, MNRAS, 529, 409. Link

Chemical conditions on Hycean worlds - N. Madhusudhan, J.I. Moses, F. Rigby & E. Barrier, 2023, Faraday Discussions, 245, 80. Link


2021-           PhD in Astronomy, University of Cambridge

2017-2021   MPhys Physics & Astronomy, Durham University 

Awards and Prizes

2023-2024   Bye-Fellow of Magdalene College, University of Cambridge


JWST Cycle 2 Program 3557, co-investigator


Contact Details

Email address: 
Obs O15


Magdalene College