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Institute of Astronomy



I am a PhD student working on supernova cosmology and lensed supernova cosmography under the supervision of Kaisey Mandel and Suhail Dhawan. I am interested in using physically-motivated statistical models for Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) and gravitationally lensed SNe to learn about fundamental cosmological parameters. 


PhD: Astronomy, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge (2022-present)

MS: Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania (2021-2022)

BS: Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania (2018-2022)

Awards and Prizes

Gates-Cambridge Scholarship (2022-present)

William E. Stephens Memorial Prize (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, 2022)

Trustees Council of Penn Women’s Student Leadership Award (University of Pennsylvania, 2022)

Roy and Diana Vagelos Challenge Award (2021-2022)

Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Scholar (2018-2022)



Supernova cosmology, transient astronomy, strong lensing, microlensing, dark matter, dark energy, astrostatistics, large-scale survey analysis


Key publications: 

Hayes, E.E., Thorp, S., Mandel, K.S., Arendse, N., Grayling, M., Dhawan, S. 2023. GausSN: Bayesian Time-Delay Estimation for Strongly Lensed Supernovae. Submitted to MNRAS. [arxiv]

Other publications: 

Grayling, M., Thorp, S., Mandel, K.S., Dhawan, S., Uzsoy, A.S., Boyd, B.M., Hayes, E.E., Ward S.M. 2023. Scalable hierarchical BayeSN inference: Investigating dependence of SN Ia host galaxy dust properties on stellar mass and redshift. Submitted to MNRAS. [arxiv]

Contact Details

Email address: 
Obs O27


Lucy Cavendish College