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Institute of Astronomy


It is with great regret that we announce the recent death of one of our Emeritus Staff, Houshang Ardavan. Houshang, whose research focused on radiation mechanisms in pulsars, had a longstanding connection with the IoA since the 1970s. He was an emeritus Fellow of Murray Edwards College and formerly Director of Studies in Mathematics at Murray Edwards where his commitment to his students is warmly remembered (see

Houshang remained very active throughout his scientific career (for example, publishing three first author papers in 2024: An alternative interpretation of magnetars' traits deduced from the observational data on their outburst fluxes and spectraGamma-ray spectra of the Crab, Vela and Geminga pulsars fitted with SED of the emission from their current sheet; and Radio spectra of pulsars fitted with the spectral distribution function of the emission from their current sheet).