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Institute of Astronomy


Dignity @ Work

Feel like someone’s behaviour is not acceptable?

Or feel someone is not behaving professionally?

Everyone in the University has the right to expect to be treated with respect and professionalism at all times. All members of the University community have a personal responsibility for treating others with dignity and respect.

You can raise a concern directly with the University’s Dignity@Work contacts.  If you would like to talk confidentially to a Dignity @ Work Contact, you should call (7)65031 which is a confidential voice-mail number and leave your name and contact details, or email with your name and contact details.

IoA Code of Conduct

University Dignity at Work Policy

University Wellbeing website

University Breaking the Silence website

University Nurturing a Culture of Mutual Respect Survey

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stephen Toope, said:

"For a culture of mutual respect to flourish, we need a common understanding of how we should all behave towards one another and we must be willing to tackle both the behaviour and the contributory environmental factors that result in bullying and harassment. We also need to ensure that we have an environment in which staff feel able to report incidents and trust the processes that are in place to address these issues."


The flowchart below shows what you might expect the process to be if you raise a Dignity@Work concern.   All stages would be treated confidentially.