





Gaia DR2
ImageGBPRPBP-RPparallax (mas)pmra (mas)pmdec (mas)PMSIGAENAEN sigSource ID
119.035 18.375 17.739 0.637 0.155 ±0.386 0.347 ±0.560 -0.795 ±0.723 1.262 1.081 2.745 5126705515511054080
219.304 nan nan nan -0.363 ±0.537 0.591 ±0.718 0.994 ±0.986 1.302 1.365 3.069 5126705515510051584
320.065 nan nan nan -1.035 ±0.798 -0.549 ±0.960 -4.363 ±1.170 3.774 0.000 0.000 5126705515510051712
Gaia DR1
ImageGAENAEN sigSource ID
118.928 0.998 1.859 5126705515510051840
NameRADECbW1-W2z qsoz lenssep.NGaia densityGDR1 countGDR2 countNEDSDSS DR14PanSTARRSDECaLSGaia cutoutWISE modelWISEFIRSTNVSSSUMSSGaiaCFHT cutoutCFHT searchDiscovery
HE0230-213038.13829-21.29046-661.0322.1620.5232.054371213NED LinkSDSS DR14 LinkPanSTARRS LinkDECaLSGDR2 cutoutWISE modelWISEFIRST
GaiaCFHT cutoutCFHT searchWisotzki et al. 1999

Relevant Publications

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