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Institute of Astronomy


Continuum emission from within the plunging region of black hole discs

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 11:25
arXiv:2405.09175v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The thermal continuum emission observed from accreting black holes across X-ray bands has the potential to be leveraged as a powerful probe of the mass and spin of the central black hole. The vast majority of existing ``continuum fitting'' models neglect emission sourced at and within the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of the black hole. Numerical simulations, however, find non-zero emission sourced from these regions. In this work we extend existing techniques by including the emission sourced from within the plunging region, utilising new analytical models which reproduce the properties of numerical accretion simulations. We show that in general the neglected intra-ISCO emission produces a hot-and-small quasi-blackbody component, but can also produce a weak power-law tail for more extreme parameter regions. A similar hot-and-small blackbody component has been added in by hand in an ad-hoc manner to previous analyses of X-ray binary spectra. We show that the X-ray spectrum of MAXI J1820+070 in a soft-state outburst is extremely well described by a full Kerr black hole disc, while conventional models which neglect intra-ISCO emission are unable to reproduce the data. We believe this represents the first robust detection of intra-ISCO emission in the literature, and allows additional constraints to be placed on the MAXI J1820+070 black hole spin which must be low $a_\bullet

The ratio of [Eu/$\alpha$] differentiates accreted/in-situ Milky Way stars across metallicities, as indicated by both field stars and globular clusters

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 10:56
arXiv:2405.08963v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We combine stellar orbits with the abundances of the heavy, $r$-process element europium and the light, $\alpha$-element, silicon to separate in-situ and accreted populations in the Milky Way across all metallicities. At high orbital energy, the accretion-dominated halo shows elevated values of [Eu/Si], while at lower energies, where many of the stars were born in-situ, the levels of [Eu/Si] are lower. These systematically different levels of [Eu/Si] in the MW and the accreted halo imply that the scatter in [Eu/$\alpha$] within a single galaxy is smaller than previously thought. At the lowest metallicities, we find that both accreted and in-situ populations trend down in [Eu/Si], consistent with enrichment via neutron star mergers. Through compiling a large dataset of abundances for 46 globular clusters (GCs), we show that differences in [Eu/Si] extend to populations of in-situ/accreted GCs. We interpret this consistency as evidence that in $r$-process elements, GCs trace the star formation history of their hosts, motivating their use as sub-Gyr timers of galactic evolution. Furthermore, fitting the trends in [Eu/Si] using a simple galactic chemical evolution model, we find that differences in [Eu/Si] between accreted and in-situ MW field stars cannot be explained through star formation efficiency alone. Finally, we show that the use of [Eu/Si] as a chemical tag between GCs and their host galaxies extends beyond the Local Group, to the halo of M31 - potentially offering the opportunity to do Galactic Archaeology in an external galaxy.

RIGEL: Simulating dwarf galaxies at solar mass resolution with radiative transfer and feedback from individual massive stars

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 10:53
arXiv:2405.08869v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We introduce the RIGEL model, a novel framework to self-consistently model the effects of stellar feedback in the multiphase ISM of dwarf galaxies with radiative transfer (RT) on a star-by-star basis. The RIGEL model integrates detailed implementations of feedback from individual massive stars into the RHD code, AREPO-RT. It forms individual massive stars from the resolved multiphase ISM by sampling the IMF and tracks their evolution individually. The lifetimes, photon production rates, mass-loss rates, and wind velocities of these stars are determined by their initial masses and metallicities based on a library that incorporates a variety of stellar models. The RT equations are solved in seven spectral bins accounting for the IR to HeII ionizing bands, using an M1 RT scheme. The thermochemistry model tracks the non-equilibrium H, He chemistry and the equilibrium abundance of CI, CII, OI, OII, and CO to capture the thermodynamics of all ISM phases. We evaluate the performance of the RIGEL model using $1\,{\rm M}_\odot$ resolution simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies. We found that the SFR and ISRF show strong positive correlations to the metallicity of the galaxy. Photoionization and photoheating can reduce the SFR by an order of magnitude by removing the available cold-dense gas fuel for star formation. The ISRF also changes the thermal structure of the ISM. Radiative feedback occurs immediately after the birth of massive stars and rapidly disperses the molecular clouds within 1 Myr. As a consequence, radiative feedback reduces the age spread of star clusters to less than 2 Myr, prohibits the formation of massive star clusters, and shapes the cluster initial mass function to a steep power-law form with a slope of $\sim-2$. The mass-loading factor of the fiducial galaxy has a median of $\sim50$, while turning off radiative feedback reduces this factor by an order of magnitude.

Extreme Nuclear Transients Resulting from the Tidal Disruption of Intermediate Mass Stars

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 10:51
arXiv:2405.08855v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Modern transient surveys now routinely discover flares resulting from tidal disruption events (TDEs) which occur when stars, typically $\sim0.5-2$ M$_{\odot}$, are ripped apart after passing too close to a supermassive black hole. We present three examples of a new class of extreme nuclear transients (ENTs) that we interpret as the tidal disruption of intermediate mass ($\sim3-10$ M$_{\odot}$) stars. Each is coincident with their host-galaxy nucleus and exhibits a smooth ($150$ days) flare. ENTs are extremely rare ($\geq1\times10^{-3}$ Gpc$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$) compared to any other known class of transients. They are at least twice as energetic ($0.5-2.5\times 10^{53}$ erg) as any other known transient and these extreme energetics rule out stellar origins.

SIDE-real: Supernova Ia Dust Extinction with truncated marginal neural ratio estimation applied to real data

Wed, 15/05/2024 - 11:50
arXiv:2403.07871v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We present the first fully simulation-based hierarchical analysis of the light curves of a population of low-redshift type Ia supernovae (SNae Ia). Our hardware-accelerated forward model, released in the Python package slicsim, includes stochastic variations of each SN's spectral flux distribution (based on the pre-trained BayeSN model), extinction from dust in the host and in the Milky Way, redshift, and realistic instrumental noise. By utilising truncated marginal neural ratio estimation (TMNRE), a neural network-enabled simulation-based inference technique, we implicitly marginalise over 4000 latent variables (for a set of $\approx 100$ SNae Ia) to efficiently infer SN Ia absolute magnitudes and host-galaxy dust properties at the population level while also constraining the parameters of individual objects. Amortisation of the inference procedure allows us to obtain coverage guarantees for our results through Bayesian validation and frequentist calibration. Furthermore, we show a detailed comparison to full likelihood-based inference, implemented through Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, on simulated data and then apply TMNRE to the light curves of 86 SNae Ia from the Carnegie Supernova Project, deriving marginal posteriors in excellent agreement with previous work. Given its ability to accommodate arbitrarily complex extensions to the forward model -- e.g. different populations based on host properties, redshift evolution, complicated photometric redshift estimates, selection effects, and non-Ia contamination -- without significant modifications to the inference procedure, TMNRE has the potential to become the tool of choice for cosmological parameter inference from future, large SN Ia samples.

A Survey for Radio Emission from White Dwarfs in the VLA Sky Survey

Wed, 15/05/2024 - 11:48
arXiv:2402.11015v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Radio emission has been detected from tens of white dwarfs, in particular in accreting systems. Additionally, radio emission has been predicted as a possible outcome of a planetary system around a white dwarf. We searched for 3 GHz radio continuum emission in 846,000 candidate white dwarfs previously identified in Gaia using the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) Epoch 1 Quick Look Catalogue. We identified 13 candidate white dwarfs with a counterpart in VLASS within 2". Five of those were found not to be white dwarfs in follow-up or archival spectroscopy, whereas seven others were found to be chance alignments with a background source in higher-resolution optical or radio images. The remaining source, WDJ204259.71+152108.06, is found to be a white dwarf and M-dwarf binary with an orbital period of 4.1 days and long-term stochastic optical variability, as well as luminous radio and X-ray emission. For this binary, we find no direct evidence of a background contaminant, and a chance alignment probability of only ~2 per cent. However, other evidence points to the possibility of an unfortunate chance alignment with a background radio and X-ray emitting quasar, including an unusually poor Gaia DR3 astrometric solution for this source. With at most one possible radio emitting white dwarf found, we conclude that strong (> 1-3 mJy) radio emission from white dwarfs in the 3 GHz band is virtually nonexistent outside of interacting binaries.

A Hot Mess: The Rich and Complex Soft Emitting Regions Surrounding the Reflection Dominated Flaring Central Engine of Mrk 1239

Wed, 15/05/2024 - 11:35
arXiv:2405.08785v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Previous X-ray works on Mrk 1239 have revealed a complex Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) that exhibits substantial absorption and strong emission from both collisional (CIE) and photoionized (PIE) plasmas. Here, we report on deep-pointed observations with $XMM{\rm -}Newton$ and $NuSTAR$, along with $Swift$ monitoring, to understand the $0.3-30$ keV continuum emission and the central engine geometry. A strong X-ray flare, where the AGN brightens by a factor of five in $\sim30$ ks, is captured between $4-30$ keV and can be attributed to a brightening of the primary continuum. However, the lack of any variability below $\sim3$ keV on long- or short-time scales requires complete absorption of the AGN continuum with a neutral medium of column density $\sim 10^{23.5}{\rm cm}^{-2}$. The timing and spectral properties are consistent with a blurred reflection interpretation for the primary emission. The variability and presence of a Compton hump disfavours ionized partial covering. The neutral absorber, if outflowing, could be crashing into the surrounding medium and ISM to produce the low-energy continuum and CIE. Scattered emission off the inner torus could produce the PIE. The intricate scenario is demanded by the data and highlights the complexity of the environment that is normally invisible when overwhelmed by the AGN continuum. Objects like Mrk 1239 serve as important sources for unveiling the interface between the AGN and host galaxy environments.

Exoplanet Transit Spectroscopy with JWST NIRSpec: Diagnostics and Homogeneous Case Study of WASP-39 b

Tue, 14/05/2024 - 10:15
arXiv:2405.06737v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The JWST has ushered in a new era of exoplanet transit spectroscopy. Among the JWST instruments, the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) has the most extensive set of configurations for exoplanet time series observations. The NIRSpec Prism and G395H grating represent two extremes in NIRSpec instrument modes, with the Prism spanning a wider spectral range (0.6-5.3 $\mu$m at lower resolution (R$\sim$100) compared to G395H (2.87-5.14 $\mu$m; R$\sim$2700). In this work, we develop a new data reduction framework, JexoPipe, to conduct a homogeneous assessment of the two NIRSpec modes for exoplanet spectroscopy. We use observations of the hot Saturn WASP-39 b obtained as part of the JWST Transiting Exoplanets ERS program to assess the spectral quality and stability between the two instrument modes at different epochs. We explore the noise sources, effect of saturation, and offsets in transmission spectra between the different instrument modes and also between the two G395H NRS detectors. We find an inter-detector offset in G395H of $\sim$ 40-50 ppm, consistent with recent studies. We find evidence for correlated noise in the Prism white light curve. We find the G395H spectrum to be of higher precision compared to the Prism at the same resolution. We also compare the JexoPipe spectra with those reported from other pipelines. Our work underscores the need for robust assessment of instrument performance and identification of optimal practices for JWST data reduction and analyses.

Variational Inference for Acceleration of SN Ia Photometric Distance Estimation with BayeSN

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 10:57
arXiv:2405.06013v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are standarizable candles whose observed light curves can be used to infer their distances, which can in turn be used in cosmological analyses. As the quantity of observed SNe Ia grows with current and upcoming surveys, increasingly scalable analyses are necessary to take full advantage of these new datasets for precise estimation of cosmological parameters. Bayesian inference methods enable fitting SN Ia light curves with robust uncertainty quantification, but traditional posterior sampling using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is computationally expensive. We present an implementation of variational inference (VI) to accelerate the fitting of SN Ia light curves using the BayeSN hierarchical Bayesian model for time-varying SN Ia spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We demonstrate and evaluate its performance on both simulated light curves and data from the Foundation Supernova Survey with two different forms of surrogate posterior -- a multivariate normal and a custom multivariate zero-lower-truncated normal distribution -- and compare them with the Laplace Approximation and full MCMC analysis. To validate of our variational approximation, we calculate the pareto-smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) diagnostic, and perform variational simulation-based calibration (VSBC). The VI approximation achieves similar results to MCMC but with an order-of-magnitude speedup for the inference of the photometric distance moduli. Overall, we show that VI is a promising method for scalable parameter inference that enables analysis of larger datasets for precision cosmology.

Introducing two improved methods for approximating radiative cooling in hydrodynamical simulations of accretion discs

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 11:27
arXiv:2405.05762v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The evolution of many astrophysical systems depends strongly on the balance between heating and cooling, in particular star formation in giant molecular clouds and the evolution of young protostellar systems. Protostellar discs are susceptible to the gravitational instability, which can play a key role in their evolution and in planet formation. The strength of the instability depends on the rate at which the system loses thermal energy. To study the evolution of these systems, we require radiative cooling approximations because full radiative transfer is generally too expensive to be coupled to hydrodynamical models. Here we present two new approximate methods for computing radiative cooling that make use of the polytropic cooling approximation. This approach invokes the assumption that each parcel of gas is located within a spherical pseudo-cloud which can then be used to approximate the optical depth. The first method combines the methods introduced by Stamatellos et al. and Lombardi et al. to overcome the limitations of each method at low and high optical depths respectively. The second, the "Modified Lombardi" method, is specifically tailored for self-gravitating discs. This modifies the scale height estimate from the method of Lombardi et al. using the analytical scale height for a self-gravitating disc. We show that the Modified Lombardi method provides an excellent approximation for the column density in a fragmenting disc, a regime in which the existing methods fail to recover the clumps and spiral structures. We therefore recommend this improved radiative cooling method for more realistic simulations of self-gravitating discs.

Why do different early-type-galaxies have different amounts of rotational support?

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 11:27
arXiv:2405.04663v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Early-type galaxies (ETGs, i.e. elliptical and lenticular galaxies) differ in their amount of rotational support -- some are purely supported by velocity dispersion, while others show pronounced ordered rotation. Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations show that the progenitors of all ETGs were first rotating quickly, but then mergers decreased their rotational support. In the presented work, we studied this process using an observational archaeological approach. Namely, we inspected the correlations of 23 merger-sensitive characteristics of local ETGs with a parameter quantifying the rotational support. We used a volume-limited sample of local ETGs, that are not in galaxy clusters, from the MATLAS survey. We found, for example, that slowly rotating galaxies have tidal features and kinematically distinct components more often and have lower metallicities. We sought for mutual interpretation of the correlations among all 23 quantities, together with literature results on high-redshift massive galaxies. There seems to be only one interpretation possible: on average, ETGs lose their rotational support through multiple minor wet mergers happening at the redshifts above about two.

Stochastic star formation and the abundance of $z>10$ UV-bright galaxies

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 11:12
arXiv:2405.04578v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We use a well-motivated galaxy formation framework to predict stellar masses, star formation rates (SFR), and ultraviolet (UV) luminosities of galaxy populations at redshifts $z\in 5-16$, taking into account stochasticity of SFR in a controlled manner. We demonstrate that the model can match observational estimates of UV luminosity functions (LFs) at $51$ indicating that SFR stochasticity cannot be higher. We discuss several testable consequences of the increased SFR stochasticity at $z>10$. The increase of SFR stochasticity with increasing $z$, for example, prevents steepening of UV LF and even results in some flattening of UV LF at $z\gtrsim 13$. The median stellar ages of model galaxies at $z\approx 11-16$ are predicted to decrease from $\approx 20-30$ Myr for $M_{\rm UV}\gtrsim -21$ galaxies to $\approx 5-10$ Myr for brighter ones. Likewise, the scatter in median stellar age is predicted to decrease with increasing luminosity. The scatter in the ratio of star formation rates averaged over 10 and 100 Myr should increase with redshift. Fluctuations of ionizing flux should increase at $z>10$ resulting in the increasing scatter in the line fluxes and their ratios for the lines sensitive to ionization parameter.

The Orbit of NGC 5907 ULX-1

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 11:10
arXiv:2405.04574v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We report on the orbit of the binary system powering the most extreme ultraluminous X-ray pulsar known to date: NGC 5907 ULX-1 (hereafter ULX1). ULX1 has been the target of a substantial multi-instrument campaign, mainly in the X-ray band, but no clear counterparts are known in other bands. Although ULX1 is highly variable and pulsations can be transient (regardless of the source flux), the timing data collected so far allow us to investigate the orbit of this system. We find an orbital period $P_{orb}=5.7^{+0.1}_{-0.6}\text{ d}$ and a projected semi-axis $A_1 =3.1^{+0.8}_{-0.9}\text{ lts}$. The most likely ephemeris is: $P_{orb}=5.6585(6)\text{ d}$, $A_1 = 3.1(4)\text{ lts}$, and the epoch of ascending nodes passage is: $T_{asc} = 57751.37(5)\text{ MJD}$. However, there are 6 similar solutions, acceptable within $3\,\sigma$. We find further indications that ULX1 is a high-mass X-ray binary. This implies that we are observing its orbit face-on, with an inclination $

Impact of Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter on Gas Properties at Very High Redshift: A Semi-Analytical Model

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:53
arXiv:2405.02206v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Context. Primordial black holes (PBHs) have been proposed as potential candidates for dark matter (DM) and have garnered significant attention in recent years. Aims. Our objective is to delve into the distinct impact of PBHs on gas properties and their potential role in shaping the cosmic structure. Specifically, we aim to analyze the evolving gas properties while considering the presence of accreting PBHs with varying monochromatic masses and in different quantities. By studying the feedback effects produced by this accretion, our final goal is to assess the plausibility of PBHs as candidates for DM. Methods. We develop a semi-analytical model which works on top of the CIELO hydrodynamical simulation around $z\sim23$. This model enables a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of gas properties influenced by PBHs. Our focus lies on the temperature and hydrogen abundances, placing specific emphasis on the region closest to the halo center. We explore PBH masses of $1$, $33$, and $100~\Msun$, located within mass windows where a substantial fraction of DM could exist in the form of PBHs. We investigate various DM fractions composed of these PBHs ($f_{\rm{PBH}}>10^{-4}$). Results. Our findings suggest that the existence of PBHs with masses of $1~\Msun$ and fractions greater than or equal to approximately $10^{-2}$ would be ruled out due to the significant changes induced in gas properties. The same applies to PBHs with a mass of $33~\Msun$ and $100~\Msun$ and fractions greater than approximately $10^{-3}$. These effects are particularly pronounced in the region nearest to the halo center, potentially leading to delayed galaxy formation within haloes.

Revealing H$_2$O dissociation in WASP-76~b through combined high- and low-resolution transmission spectroscopy

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:39
arXiv:2405.01933v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Numerous chemical constraints have been possible for exoplanetary atmospheres thanks to high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS) from ground-based facilities as well as low-resolution spectroscopy (LRS) from space. These two techniques have complementary strengths, and hence combined HRS and LRS analyses have the potential for more accurate abundance constraints and increased sensitivity to trace species. In this work we retrieve the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76~b, using high-resolution CARMENES/CAHA and low-resolution HST WFC3 and Spitzer observations of the primary eclipse. As such hot planets are expected to have a substantial fraction of H$_2$O dissociated, we conduct retrievals including both H$_2$O and OH. We explore two retrieval models, one with self-consistent treatment of H$_2$O dissociation and another where H$_2$O and OH are vertically-homogeneous. Both models constrain H$_2$O and OH, with H$_2$O primarily detected by LRS and OH through HRS, highlighting the strengths of each technique and demonstrating the need for combined retrievals to fully constrain chemical compositions. We see only a slight preference for the H$_2$O-dissociation model given that the photospheric constraints for both are very similar, indicating $\log(\mathrm{OH/H_2O}) = 0.7^{+0.3}_{-0.3}$ at 1.5~mbar, showing that the majority of the H$_2$O in the photosphere is dissociated. However, the bulk O/H and C/O ratios inferred from the models differs significantly, and highlights the challenge of constraining bulk compositions from photospheric abundances with strong vertical chemical gradients. Further observations with JWST and ground-based facilities may help shed more light on these processes.

Unveiling the Bulge-Disc Structure, AGN Feedback, and Baryon Landscape in a Massive Spiral Galaxy with Mpc-Scale Radio Jets

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:38
arXiv:2405.01910v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This study delves into the bulge-disc components and stellar mass distribution in the fast-rotating, highly massive spiral galaxy 2MASX~J23453268-0449256, distinguished by extraordinary radio jets extending to Mpc scales. Using high-resolution multi-wavelength Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations and multi-parameter panchromatic spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, we derive estimates for the star formation rate, total baryonic mass in stars, and warm dust properties. Our findings, validated at a spatial resolution of approximately 100 pc, reveal a pseudo-bulge rather than a classical bulge and a small nuclear bar and resonant ring, challenging conventional models of galaxy formation. Additionally, the lack of tidal debris and the highly symmetric spiral arms within a rotationally supported stellar disc indicate a tranquil coevolution of the galactic disc and its supermassive black hole (SMBH). Significantly, the galaxy exhibits suppressed star formation in its center, potentially influenced by feedback from the central accreting SMBH with powerful radio jets. Detailed multi-wavelength studies of potential star-forming gas disclose that, while hot X-ray gas cools down in the galaxy's halo, new stars do not form in the center, likely due to feedback effects. This study raises questions about the efficient fueling and sustained collimated jet ejection activity in J2345-0449, underscoring the imperative need for a comprehensive understanding of its central black hole engine properties, which are presently lacking. The exceptional rarity of galaxies like 2MASX~J23453268-0449256 presents intriguing challenges in unraveling the physical processes responsible for their unique characteristics.

Consequences of a low-mass, high-pressure, star formation mode in early galaxies

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:37
arXiv:2405.01865v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: High resolution X-ray spectra reveal hidden cooling flows depositing cold gas at the centres of massive nearby early-type galaxies with little sign of normal star formation. Optical observations are revealing that a bottom-heavy Initial Mass Function is common within the inner kpc of similar galaxies. We revive the possibility that a low-mass star formation mode is operating due to the high thermal pressure in the cooling flow, thus explaining the accumulation of low-mass stars. We further explore whether such a mode operated in early, high-redshift galaxies and has sporadically continued to the present day. The idea links observed distant galaxies with black holes which are ultramassive for their stellar mass, nearby red nuggets and massive early-type galaxies. Nearby elliptical galaxies may be red but they are not dead.

The Simons Observatory: Combining cross-spectral foreground cleaning with multi-tracer $B$-mode delensing for improved constraints on inflation

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:22
arXiv:2405.01621v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The Simons Observatory (SO), due to start full science operations in early 2025, aims to set tight constraints on inflationary physics by inferring the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ from measurements of CMB polarization $B$-modes. Its nominal design targets a precision $\sigma(r=0) \leq 0.003$ without delensing. Achieving this goal and further reducing uncertainties requires the mitigation of other sources of large-scale $B$-modes such as Galactic foregrounds and weak gravitational lensing. We present an analysis pipeline aiming to estimate $r$ by including delensing within a cross-spectral likelihood, and demonstrate it on SO-like simulations. Lensing $B$-modes are synthesised using internal CMB lensing reconstructions as well as Planck-like CIB maps and LSST-like galaxy density maps. This $B$-mode template is then introduced into SO's power-spectrum-based foreground-cleaning algorithm by extending the likelihood function to include all auto- and cross-spectra between the lensing template and the SAT $B$-modes. Within this framework, we demonstrate the equivalence of map-based and cross-spectral delensing and use it to motivate an optimized pixel-weighting scheme for power spectrum estimation. We start by validating our pipeline in the simplistic case of uniform foreground spectral energy distributions (SEDs). In the absence of primordial $B$-modes, $\sigma(r)$ decreases by 37% as a result of delensing. Tensor modes at the level of $r=0.01$ are successfully detected by our pipeline. Even with more realistic foreground models including spatial variations in the dust and synchrotron spectral properties, we obtain unbiased estimates of $r$ by employing the moment-expansion method. In this case, delensing-related improvements range between 27% and 31%. These results constitute the first realistic assessment of the delensing performance at SO's nominal sensitivity level. (Abridged)

First upper limits on the 21 cm signal power spectrum from cosmic dawn from one night of observations with NenuFAR

Thu, 02/05/2024 - 12:14
arXiv:2311.05364v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: The redshifted 21 cm signal from neutral hydrogen is a direct probe of the physics of the early universe and has been an important science driver of many present and upcoming radio interferometers. In this study we use a single night of observations with the New Extension in Nan\c{c}ay Upgrading LOFAR (NenuFAR) to place upper limits on the 21 cm power spectrum from cosmic dawn at a redshift of $z$ = 20.3. NenuFAR is a new low-frequency radio interferometer, operating in the 10-85 MHz frequency range, currently under construction at the Nan\c{c}ay Radio Observatory in France. It is a phased array instrument with a very dense uv coverage at short baselines, making it one of the most sensitive instruments for 21 cm cosmology analyses at these frequencies. Our analysis adopts the foreground subtraction approach, in which sky sources are modeled and subtracted through calibration and residual foregrounds are subsequently removed using Gaussian process regression. The final power spectra are constructed from the gridded residual data cubes in the uv plane. Signal injection tests are performed at each step of the analysis pipeline, the relevant pipeline settings are optimized to ensure minimal signal loss, and any signal suppression is accounted for through a bias correction on our final upper limits. We obtain a best 2$\sigma$ upper limit of $2.4\times 10^7$ $\text{mK}^{2}$ at $z$ = 20.3 and $k$ = 0.041 $h\,\text{cMpc}^{-1}$. We see a strong excess power in the data, making our upper limits two orders of magnitude higher than the thermal noise limit. We investigate the origin and nature of this excess power and discuss further improvements to the analysis pipeline that can potentially mitigate it and consequently allow us to reach thermal noise sensitivity when multiple nights of observations are processed in the future.

SPHERE RefPlanets: Search for epsilon Eridani b and warm dust

Thu, 02/05/2024 - 11:52
arXiv:2404.19504v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We carried out very deep VLT/SPHERE imaging polarimetry of the nearby system Eps Eri based on 38.5 hours of integration time with a 600 - 900 nm broadband filter to search for polarized scattered light from a planet or from circumstellar dust using AO, coronagraphy, high precision differential polarimetry, and angular differential imaging. We have improved several data reduction and post-processing techniques and also developed new ones to further increase the sensitivity of SPHERE/ZIMPOL. The data provide unprecedented contrast limits, but no significant detection of a point source or an extended signal from circumstellar dust. For each observing epoch, we obtained a point source contrast for the polarized intensity between $2\cdot 10^{-8}$ and $4\cdot 10^{-8}$ at the expected separation of the planet Eps Eri b of 1'' near quadrature phase. The polarimetric contrast limits are about six to 50 times better than the intensity limits because polarimetric imaging is much more efficient in speckle suppression. Combining the entire 14-month data set to the search for a planet moving on a Keplerian orbit with the K-Stacker software further improves the contrast limits by a factor of about two, to about $8 \cdot 10^{-9}$ at 1''. This would allow the detection of a planet with a radius of about 2.5 Jupiter radii. The surface brightness contrast limits achieved for the polarized intensity from an extended scattering region are about 15 mag arcsec$^{-2}$ at 1'', or up to 3 mag arcsec$^{-2}$ deeper than previous limits. For Eps Eri, these limits exclude the presence of a narrow dust ring and they constrain the dust properties. This study shows that the polarimetric contrast limits for reflecting planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL can be improved to a level $