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How to Build a Life in the Humanities: Meditations on the Academic Work-Life Balance / Editors: Gregory M. Colon Semenza and Garrett A. Sullivan Jr. Published by Palgrave Macmillan (2015) ISBN 10: 1137428880ISBN 13: 9781137428882

Juggling Flaming Chain Saws: Academics in Educational Leadership Try to Balance Work and Family (Work-Life Balance) / Editor(s): Joanne M. Marshall et al.Published by Information Age Publishing, 2012. ISBN 10: 1617359092 / ISBN 13: 9781617359095

Helping Faculty Find Work-Life Balance: The Path Toward Family-Friendly Institutions / Maike Ingrid Philipsen and Timothy B. Bostic. San Francisco: John Wilewy, 2010.  (Hardback) ISBN 10: 0470540958 / ISBN 13: 9780470540954

Failing Families, Failing Science : Work-Family Conflict in Academic Science / Elaine Ecklund and Anne E. Lincoln. Published by New York University Press, 2006 *ONLINE ACCESS*

Mothers in academia / edited by Mari Castaneda and Kirsten Isgro. Published by Columbia University Press, 2013.*ONLINE ACCESS*

Professor mommy finding work-family balance in academia / Rachel Connelly and Kristen Ghodsee. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011.*ONLINE ACCESS*

Working to the limit : stress and work-life balance in academic and academic-related employees in the UK / Gail Kinman, Fiona Jones. Publisher London : Association of University Teachers, 2004. ISBN : 0900107286 (pbk)

Advancing women in academic STEM fields through dual career policies and practices / edited by Marci R. McMahon, Marie T. Mora, Ala Qubbaj. Publisher Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2018 ISBN : 1-64113-244-2 *ONLINE ACCESS*


SPACE: Supporting Parents and Carers @ Cambridge (local help for carers and parents working for the University of Cambridge)