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DRAFT AGENDA subject to last-minute changes.

name title time (with discussion)
Wednesday 6.12.2017
12:00 lunch and registration 120
14:00 Welcome by the organizers 10
14:10 Simon Hodgkin Gaia overview and alerts 50
15:00 Steve Boudreault PLATO Science Flux Alerts 15
15:15 Erika Pakstiene First results of spectroscopic and photometric survey of the northern sky at Moletai AO for the PLATO 2.0 input catalog 15
15:30 coffee break 30
16:00 Róbert Szakáts Observations of transient astrophysical objects at Konkoly Observatory 15
16:15 Thuillot William Solar system object alerts 15
16:30 Volodymyr Troianskyi Discovery of the small Solar system bodies with OMT-800 telescope 10
16:40 Goran Damljanovic Serbian-Bulgarian mini-network telescopes and Gaia-FUN-TO during 2017 10
16:50 Fraser Lewis Linking Gaia Alerts, supernovae and education 15
17:05 end of day 1
Thursday 7.12.2017
09:15 Milena Ratajczak Project Solaris 15
09:30 Pawel Zielinski Search for young transiting exoplanets within YETI project 15
09:45 Andrzej Piascik Gaia Target Selection on the Liverpool Telescope - Patterns in Alerts 15
10:00 Helen Jermak MOPTOP — The New Polarimeter for the LT 15
10:15 Jozsef Varga Classification of young stellar objects among GAIA alert candidates 10
10:25 Varga-Verebélyi Erika Gaia Photometric Science Alerts for Variable Young Stellar Objects 10
10:35 coffee break 40
11:15 Rupak Roy Transients near the centers of the galaxies 15
11:30 Aleksandra Hamanowicz Nuclear transients from Gaia 15
11:45 Mariusz Gromadzki Nuclear transients from OGLE 15
12:00 Thomas Wevers Searching for fast Gaia transients 15
12:15 Kirill Sokolovsky ASASSN-17gs -- awakening of a dormant blazar by a tidal disruption event? 15
12:30 Tapio Pursimo Optical follow-up observations of Fermi LAT blazars and NOT 15
12:45 Grzegorz Wiktorowicz Black holes as microlenses in the Milky Way 15
13:00 lunch break 60
14:00 Katarzyna Kruszyńska Microlensing events from Gaia 20
14:20 Łukasz Wyrzykowski OPTICON and its role, results 20
14:40 Zbyszek Kołaczkowski, Kris Rybicki,Paweł Zieliński Calibration Server 2.0 beta 30
15:10 Arancha Delgado Gaia Marshall demonstration part 1 20
15:30 coffee break 30
16:00 Meredith Morrell PIRATE and Gaia Alerts 10
16:10 Sebastian Kurowski Krakow 10
16:20 Tadeusz Michałowski PST2 - Poznań telescope in Arizona 10
16:30 Felice Cusano Gaia alerts in Loiano 10
16:40 Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez Follow-up from Sicily 10
16:50 Emmy Paraskeva Gaia transient follow-up from the National Observatory of Athens 10
17:00 Algita Stankevičiūtė Astronomical activities in Lithuania 10
17:10 end of day 2
19:00 workshop dinner cafe Flora, Al. Ujazdowskie 4 MENU
Friday 8.12.2017
09:15 Vira Godunova Observations of Gaia transients at the Terskol Observatory 10
09:25 Andrii Simon Observational research at the Lisnyky observatory near Kyiv 10
09:35 Dawid Moździerski Białków Observatory - indispensability of small ground-based telescopes in the era of satellite observations 10
09:45 Arancha Delgado hands-on with the new Marshall 45
10:30 coffee break 30
11:00 Łukasz Wyrzykowski hands-on with the old Calibration Server 45
11:45 All discussion and summary 45
12:30 lunch break 90
14:00 end of day 3