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2 *
3 *
4 * Coalescence of Roche/CE binary.
5 * -------------------------------
6 *
7  include 'common6.h'
8  CHARACTER*8 which1
9  REAL*8 cm(6)
10  REAL*8 mass(2)
11  LOGICAL first
12  SAVE first
13  DATA first /.true./
14 *
15 *
16 * Distinguish between KS and chain regularization.
17  IF (ipair.GT.0) THEN
18 * Define discrete time for prediction & new polynomials (T <= TBLOCK).
19  i = n + ipair
20  dt = 0.1d0*step(i)
21  IF (dt.GT.2.4e-11) THEN
22  time2 = time - tprev
23  CALL stepk(dt,dtn)
24  time = tprev + int((time2 + dt)/dtn)*dtn
25  time = min(tblock,time)
26  ELSE
27  time = min(t0(i) + step(i),tblock)
28  END IF
29 *
30 * Set zero energy (EB correction done in routines EXPEL & EXPEL2).
31  eb = 0.d0
32  rcoll = r(ipair)
33  dmin2 = min(dmin2,rcoll)
34  vinf = 0.0
35 *
36 * Define indicator for different cases, including hyperbolic KS.
37  IF ((kstar(i).LE.10.AND.iqcoll.NE.0).OR.iqcoll.EQ.-2) THEN
38  which1 = ' BINARY '
39  iqcoll = 0
40  eb1 = body(2*ipair-1)*body(2*ipair)*h(ipair)/body(i)
41  ELSE
42  which1 = ' ROCHE '
43 * Save energy for correction (Roche COAL but not via CMBODY & EXPEL).
44  IF (iqcoll.EQ.0) THEN
45  eb = body(2*ipair-1)*body(2*ipair)*h(ipair)/body(i)
46  eb1 = eb
47  egrav = egrav + eb
48  END IF
49  iqcoll = 3
50  END IF
51  IF (h(ipair).GT.0.0) THEN
52  which1 = ' HYPERB '
53  nhyp = nhyp + 1
54  iqcoll = -1
55  vinf = sqrt(2.0*h(ipair))*vstar
56  eb1 = body(2*ipair-1)*body(2*ipair)*h(ipair)/body(i)
57  END IF
58 *
59 * Check optional diagnostics for binary evolution.
60  IF (kz(8).GT.3) THEN
61  CALL binev(ipair)
62  END IF
63 *
64 * Remove any circularized KS binary from the CHAOS/SYNCH table.
65  IF (kstar(i).GE.10.AND.nchaos.GT.0) THEN
66  ii = -i
67  CALL spiral(ii)
68  END IF
69 *
70 * Terminate KS pair and set relevant indices for collision treatment.
71  iphase = 9
72  kspair = ipair
73  t0(2*ipair-1) = time
74  CALL ksterm
75  i1 = 2*npairs + 1
76  i2 = i1 + 1
77  ELSE
78 * Copy dominant indices, two-body separation and binding energy.
79  i1 = jlist(1)
80  i2 = jlist(2)
81  rcoll = dminc
82  eb = 0.0
83  vinf = 0.d0
84  iqcoll = 5
85  which1 = ' CHAIN '
86 * Note that new chain TIME already quantized in routine CHTERM.
87  END IF
88 *
89 * Define global c.m. coordinates & velocities from body #I1 & I2.
90  icomp = i1
91  zm = body(i1) + body(i2)
92  DO 5 k = 1,3
93  cm(k) = (body(i1)*x(k,i1) + body(i2)*x(k,i2))/zm
94  cm(k+3) = (body(i1)*xdot(k,i1) + body(i2)*xdot(k,i2))/zm
96 *
97 * Form central distance (scaled by RC), central distance and period.
98  ri2 = 0.d0
99  rij2 = 0.d0
100  vij2 = 0.d0
101  DO 10 k = 1,3
102  ri2 = ri2 + (x(k,i1) - rdens(k))**2
103  rij2 = rij2 + (x(k,i1) - x(k,i2))**2
104  vij2 = vij2 + (xdot(k,i1) - xdot(k,i2))**2
105  10 CONTINUE
106  ri = sqrt(ri2)
107  rij = sqrt(rij2)
108  semi = 2.d0/rij - vij2/zm
109  semi = 1.d0/semi
110  tk = days*semi*sqrt(abs(semi)/zm)
111  ecc = max(1.0 - rcoll/semi,0.001d0)
112  IF (iqcoll.EQ.5) THEN
113  eb1 = -0.5*body(i1)*body(i2)/semi
114  END IF
115 *
116 * Choose appropriate reference body containing #ICH neighbour list.
117  IF (ipair.GT.0) THEN
118  icm = i1
119  ELSE
120  icm = jlist(3)
121  IF (list(1,i1).GT.list(1,icm)) icm = i1
122  IF (list(1,i2).GT.list(1,icm)) icm = i2
123 * Include possible 4th chain member just in case.
124  IF (jlist(4).GT.0) THEN
125  i4 = jlist(4)
126  IF (list(1,i4).GT.list(1,icm)) icm = 4
127  END IF
128  END IF
129 *
130 * Form perturber list for corrections and add chain #I1 to NB lists.
131  nnb = list(1,icm)
132  l2 = 1
133  jmin = n + 1
134  rij2 = 1.0d+10
135 * Copy neighbour list of former c.m. (less any #I2) to JPERT.
136  DO 15 l = 1,nnb
137  jpert(l) = list(l+1,icm)
138  IF (jpert(l).EQ.i2) THEN !unlikely condition but no harm.
139  l2 = l
140  jpert(l) = n
141  IF (i2.EQ.n) jpert(l) = n - 1
142  ELSE
143 * Determine closest external member for possible KS.
144  jj = jpert(l)
145  ri2 = 0.d0
146  DO 12 k = 1,3
147  ri2 = ri2 + (cm(k) - x(k,jj))**2
148  12 CONTINUE
149  IF (ri2.LT.rij2) THEN
150  jmin = jj
151  rij2 = ri2
152  ENDIF
153  END IF
154  15 CONTINUE
155 *
156 * Restore at least chain collider mass in local neighbour lists.
157  IF (ipair.LE.0) THEN
158  nnb = nnb + 1
159  jpert(nnb) = icm
160 * Include the case of old c.m. coming from #I1 or #I2.
161  IF (icm.EQ.i1.OR.icm.EQ.i2) jpert(nnb) = jlist(3)
162  jlist(1) = i1
163  IF (icm.EQ.i1) jlist(1) = jlist(3)
164  CALL nbrest(icm,1,nnb)
165  END IF
166 *
167 * Evaluate potential energy with respect to colliding bodies.
168  jlist(1) = i1
169  jlist(2) = i2
170  CALL nbpot(2,nnb,pot1)
171 *
172 * Specify new mass from sum and initialize zero mass ghost in #I2.
173  zmnew = (mass(1) + mass(2))/zmbar
174  dm = zm - zmnew
175  IF (dm.LT.1.0d-10) dm = 0.d0
176 * Delay inclusion of any mass loss until after energy correction.
177  zm1 = body(i1)*zmbar
178  zm2 = body(i2)*zmbar
179  body(i1) = zm
180  body(i2) = 0.d0
181  name1 = name(i1)
182  name2 = name(i2)
183  IF(body0(i1).LT.body0(i2))THEN
184  body0(i1) = body0(i2)
185  epoch(i1) = epoch(i2)
186  tev(i1) = tev(i2)
187  spin(i1) = spin(i2)
188  radius(i1) = radius(i2)
189  radius(i2) = 0.0
190  name2 = name(i2)
191  name(i2) = name(i1)
192  name(i1) = name2
193  ENDIF
194  t0(i1) = time
195  t0(i2) = tadj + dtadj
196  IF (kz(23).EQ.0.OR.rtide.GT.1000.0*rscale) t0(i2) = 1.0d+10
198  step(i2) = 1.0d+06
199 *
200 * Start new star from current time unless ROCHE case with TEV0 > TIME.
201  tev0(i1) = max(tev0(i1),tev0(i2))
202  IF(iqcoll.NE.3) tev(i1) = max(time,tev0(i1))
203  tev(i2) = 1.0d+10
204  vi = sqrt(xdot(1,i2)**2 + xdot(2,i2)**2 + xdot(3,i2)**2)
205 *
206 * Set T0 = TIME for any other chain members.
207  IF (ipair.LT.0) THEN
208  DO 18 l = 1,nch
209  j = jlist(l)
210  IF (j.NE.i1.AND.j.NE.i2) THEN
211  t0(j) = time
212  END IF
213  18 CONTINUE
214  END IF
215 *
216 * Check that a mass-less primary has type 15 for kick velocity.
217  IF(zmnew*zmbar.LT.0.001.AND.kw1.NE.15)THEN
218  WRITE(6,*)' ERROR COAL: mass1 = 0.0 and kw1 is not equal 15'
219  WRITE(6,*)' I KW ',i1,kw1
220  stop
221  END IF
222 *
223  DO 20 k = 1,3
224  x(k,i1) = cm(k)
225  x0(k,i1) = cm(k)
226  xdot(k,i1) = cm(k+3)
227  x0dot(k,i1) = cm(k+3)
228 * Ensure that ghost will escape next output (far from fast escapers).
229  x0(k,i2) = min(1.0d+04 + (x(k,i2)-rdens(k)),
230  & 1000.d0*rscale*(x(k,i2)-rdens(k))/ri)
231  x(k,i2) = x0(k,i2)
232  x0dot(k,i2) = sqrt(0.004d0*zmass/rscale)*xdot(k,i2)/vi
233  xdot(k,i2) = x0dot(k,i2)
234  f(k,i2) = 0.d0
235  fdot(k,i2) = 0.d0
236  d0(k,i2) = 0.0
237  d1(k,i2) = 0.0
238  d2(k,i2) = 0.d0
239  d3(k,i2) = 0.d0
240  d0r(k,i2) = 0.0
241  d1r(k,i2) = 0.0
242  d2r(k,i2) = 0.d0
243  d3r(k,i2) = 0.d0
244  20 CONTINUE
245 *
246 * Obtain potential energy w.r.t. new c.m. and apply tidal correction.
247  CALL nbpot(1,nnb,pot2)
248  dp = pot2 - pot1
249  ecoll = ecoll + dp
250 *
251  j2 = jpert(l2)
252  jpert(l2) = i2
253 *
254 * Remove the ghost particle #I2 from perturber lists containing #I1.
255  jlist(1) = i2
256  CALL nbrem(i1,1,nnb)
257  jlist(1) = i1
258  jpert(l2) = j2
259 *
260 * Include correction procedure in case of mass loss (cf routine MIX).
261  IF (kz(19).GE.3.AND.dm.GT.0.0) THEN
262 *
263 * Reduce mass of composite body and update total mass (check SN mass).
264  body(i1) = zmnew
265  body(i1) = max(body(i1),0.d0)
266  IF (abs(body(i1)).LT.1.0d-10) tev(i1) = 1.0d+10
267  zmass = zmass - dm
268 *
269 * Adopt ILIST procedure from NBODY4 with NNB available in FCORR.
270  ilist(1) = nnb
271  DO 22 l = 1,nnb
272  ilist(l+1) = jpert(l)
273  22 CONTINUE
274 *
275 * Delay velocity kick until routine MDOT on type 13/14/15 in ROCHE.
276 * [Note: NS,BH should not be created here unless possibly for
277 * AIC of WD or TZ object from COMENV.]
278  kw = kw1
279  IF (kw1.EQ.13.OR.kw1.EQ.14) THEN
280  IF(kstar(i1).GE.13.OR.kstar(i2).GE.13) kw = 0
281 * IF(KSTAR(I1).GE.10.OR.KSTAR(I2).GE.10) KW = 0
282  END IF
283  IF (kw1.GE.10.AND.kw1.LE.12) THEN
284  IF(kstar(i1).GE.10.OR.kstar(i2).GE.10) kw = 0
285  END IF
286 *
287 * Perform total force & energy corrections (new polynomial set later).
288  CALL fcorr(i1,dm,kw)
289 *
290 * Specify commensurate time-step (not needed for BODY(I1) = 0).
291  IF (body(i1).GT.0.0d0) THEN
292  CALL dtchck(time,step(i1),dtk(40))
293  END IF
294 *
295 * Set IPHASE = -3 to preserve ILIST.
296  iphase = -3
297 *
298 * Initialize new polynomials of neighbours & #I1 for DM > 0.1 DMSUN.
299  IF (dm*zmbar.GT.0.1) THEN
300 *
301 * Include body #I1 at the end (counting from location #2).
302  nnb2 = nnb + 2
303  ilist(nnb2) = i1
304 *
305 * Obtain new F & FDOT and time-steps.
306  DO 30 l = 2,nnb2
307  j = ilist(l)
308  IF (l.EQ.nnb2) THEN
309  j = i1
310  ELSE IF (t0(j).LT.time) THEN
311  CALL xvpred(j,-2)
312  CALL dtchck(time,step(j),dtk(40))
313  END IF
314  DO 25 k = 1,3
315  x0dot(k,j) = xdot(k,j)
316  25 CONTINUE
317 * Create ghost for rare case of massless first component.
318  IF (body(j).EQ.0.0d0) THEN
319  DO 26 k = 1,3
320  x0(k,i1) = min(1.0d+04 + (x(k,i1)-rdens(k)),
321  & 1000.d0*rscale*(x(k,i1)-rdens(k))/ri)
322  x(k,i1) = x0(k,i1)
323  x0dot(k,i1) = sqrt(0.004d0*zmass/rscale)*
324  & xdot(k,i1)/vi
325  xdot(k,i1) = x0dot(k,i1)
326  f(k,i1) = 0.d0
327  fdot(k,i1) = 0.d0
328  d2(k,i1) = 0.d0
329  d3(k,i1) = 0.d0
330  26 CONTINUE
331  t0(i1) = 1.0d+06
332  WRITE (6,28) name(i1), kw1
334  ELSE
335  CALL fpoly1(j,j,0)
336  CALL fpoly2(j,j,0)
337  END IF
338  30 CONTINUE
339  END IF
341  END IF
342 *
343 * See whether closest neighbour forms a KS pair (skip chain).
344  IF (ipair.GT.0.AND.body(i1).GT.0.0d0) THEN
345  IF (jmin.LE.n.AND.rij2.LT.rmin2) THEN
346  DO 35 k = 1,3
347  x0dot(k,jmin) = xdot(k,jmin)
348  35 CONTINUE
349  icomp = min(i1,jmin)
350  jcomp = max(i1,jmin)
351  CALL ksreg
352  WRITE (6,36) name(icomp), name(jcomp), list(1,2*npairs-1),
353  & r(npairs), h(npairs), step(ntot)
354  36 FORMAT (' COAL KS NM NP R H DTCM ',2i6,i4,1p,3e10.2)
355  i2 = jmin
356 * Note that T0(I2) may not have a large value after #I2 is exchanged.
357  t0(i2) = tadj + dtadj
358  ELSE
359 * Initialize force polynomial for new single body.
360  CALL fpoly1(icomp,icomp,0)
361  CALL fpoly2(icomp,icomp,0)
362  END IF
363  END IF
364 *
365 * Update energy loss & collision counters (EB = 0 for CHAIN COAL).
366  ecoll = ecoll + eb
367  e(10) = e(10) + eb
368  npop(9) = npop(9) + 1
369  ncoal = ncoal + 1
370  eb = eb1
371 *
372 * Open unit #12 the first time.
373  IF (first) THEN
374  OPEN (unit=12,status='NEW',form='FORMATTED',file='COAL')
375  first = .false.
376 *
377 * Print cluster scaling parameters at start of the run.
378  IF (ncoal.EQ.1) THEN
379  WRITE (12,40) rbar, bodym*zmbar, body1*zmbar, tscale,
380  & nbin0, nzero
381  40 FORMAT (/,6x,'MODEL: RBAR =',f5.1,' <M> =',f6.2,
382  & ' M1 =',f6.1,' TSCALE =',f6.2,
383  & ' NB =',i5,' N0 =',i6,//)
384  WRITE (12,45)
385  45 FORMAT (' TIME NAME NAME K1 K2 IQ M1 M2',
386  & ' DM R1 R2 r/Rc R ECC P',/)
387  END IF
388  END IF
389 *
390  WRITE (12,50) ttot, name1, name2, kstar(i1), kstar(i2), iqcoll,
391  & zm1, zm2, dm*zmbar, radius(i1)*su, radius(i2)*su,
392  & ri/rc, rij*su, ecc, tk
393  50 FORMAT (1x,f7.1,2i6,3i4,3f5.1,2f7.2,f6.1,f7.2,f9.5,1p,e9.1)
394  CALL flush(12)
395 *
396  WRITE (6,55) which1, iqcoll, name1, name2, kstar(i1), kstar(i2),
397  & kw1, zmnew*zmbar, rcoll, eb, dp, dm*zmbar, vinf
398  55 FORMAT (/,a8,'COAL IQ =',i3,' NAME =',2i6,' K* =',3i3,
399  & ' M =',f6.2,' RCOLL =',1p,e8.1,' EB =',e9.1,
400  & ' DP =',e9.1,' DM =',0p,f6.2,' VINF =',f4.1)
401 *
402  kstar(i1) = kw1
403  kstar(i2) = 15
404 * Specify IPHASE < 0 for new sorting.
405  iphase = -1
406  iqcoll = 0
407 *
409 *
410  END