June 2000 Observing Plan

version 2.0 2000-June-16; 19:40am(rgm@ioa)

Run dates: Mon June 12 to Thur 22 June, 2000

Note this ELAIS CIRSI CAT survey proposal is different from the ELAIS CIRSI ITP survey proposal. In the ITP run in May we did a shallow survey with an exposure time of 10mins in H whereas in the June CAT run the goal is to go deep in a single 4-pointing tile.

How much time do we have available

Each night there is 6.9hrs between astronomical twilight. However we may be able to get 7.9hrs is we observe between 12degree twilights. We should aim for this. This means do a snafu on a V=5 star soon after sunset. Lets assume 7hrs per night and 50% of time is used for science observations. This gives:

CIRSI Grid and Tiling Pattern

The nominal size of filled CIRSI tile is 29.6'x29.6'. The chosen step size for the tiling is 28'x28'

see cirsi_grid.pl for the tiling pattern.

Other useful material:

Version 2 observing plan for the June PATT run

Standard stars required are listed in the INT CIRSI Observing Guide Defocus by 0.2units for standards REMEMBER TO SET IT BACK AFTERWARDS. Best do a standard just before you start or at the end survey regions ie before a long slew.

Focus after every long slew eg around 3 times per night in total

  1. Observe XMM XMM Lockman Hole field in J and H
  2. ELAIS-N1 complete a grid of 5x5 CIRSI tiles in H, centred in the ELAIS 5 tiles that have been completed.
  3. ELAIS N2: complete a grid of 3x3 CIRSI tiles in H
  4. J and H images of 1 Feltzing/Gilmore/Wyse galactic clusters that were observed in a previous PATT run
  5. Galactic Centre(1745-2856)
  6. SSA22 WFS/CFHT Survey region
  7. WFS dec=0 strip 2200 to 2300
  8. Standards

Total time

The above program adds up to 948 minutes on sky.

Other suggestions

If the above program is completed, I suggest getting J band data in the ELAIS-N1 region with the same observing strategy. You might increase the exposure time per loop in J but decrease the number of dither to be more efficientm but keep the total time per pointing the same.

Expand the coverage in the N2 region beyond the 3x3 grid. If you do this please make sure the region is imaged in the WFC run. Expanding to 5x5 would require 16x24mins = 384minutes on sky

What did we say we would do in our proposal

How do we get some J coverage

To get some J we have a number of options; One option would be to cover 1.5degx1.5deg regions in the ELAIS N1 and N2 regions in J for 360secs per pointing. This would give us around 4.5deg^2 of J data. It would require: Going shorter than 360seconds with the current CIRSI software is quite inefficient.