User manual - Images

This package provides the commands to handle image data, it is used by almost all of the other packages.

Image format

The system supports 1,2 and 3 dimensional images of unlimited size.

The data in the image can be stored in three types.


The system deals with lists of named images, most of the commands require the name of an image for the command to operate on, and a list of options to specify the parameters to the command.

impkg Status information about image package and its commands
iminfo Information about image
imlist List of images
imcreate Creates a new empty image
imdelete Destroys and image and recovers all it's resources
iminclude Include an image in the current list
imremove Remove an image from the current list
imcopy Copy a region of an image into another image
implace Copy images into single larger image
imlevel Set all pixels in an image to a fixed value
imrand Set pixels in an image to random values


This provides information about the status of the image package. It is similar to the TCL info command but only applies to the image package. The command supports a number of options. The commands option lists all the commands added by the image package, further information about each command can then be found from the help system. The exists option takes the name of an image as an argument and returns 1 if the image exists or 0 otherwise. The version option returns the version number of the image package in the same way as the info tclversion command.


This returns a TCL list of the parameters of the image, it's name, size, statistics, date created etc. Individual values can be selected by specifying the value as an option otherwise all the information is returned.


This returns a TCL list of all the image names currently included, a wildcard can be given to return only the names matching the wildcard. The count option will return the number of images in the list or 0 if there are no matching images.


Creates a new empty image. This command is not usually needed since images are created automatically when needed, but it is useful for testing scripts. The size of the image in each dimension of the image can be specified, any dimension not specified defaults to 1. The level option sets each pixel in the image to that initial value otherwise the initial state of the pixel is not guaranteed. The command will not create a new image if an existing image has the same name.


This is the opposite of the imcreate command, it totally erases an image from the system. The image object is removed from the current image list and from memory, all the resources used by the image are recovered. This command is needed because new images survive between instances of the system running, images do not have to be explicitly saved in order to be used again.


The include command adds an existing image to the list of current images. By default all images in the system are added to the list when the image package is loaded. This command can be used to add back images removed by the imremove command. A list of images or a wildcard can be used to specify the images to be included.


Removes an existing image from the list of current images. The removed image isn't actually deleted from the system but will be ignored by all the image commands until iminclude is used to include it again. This feature is useful for concentrating on a small number of images. Note that the imcreate command will only check the list of current images and so a removed image can be destroyed by creating a new image with the same name.


Copies pixel data from one image to another. With no other options this will copy the entire image from the source to the destination. The destination image will be created if necessary, or resized to fit the region to be copied, the source image is not changed. If coordinates and a size are specified only that sub-region will be copied to the new image, the region will be placed at the origin of the destination image. The command also supports a row and column option which copy just the specified 1 dimensional region. Since this command shrinks the destination image to fit the region to be copied it cannot be used to build a mosaic of images, to place several images into a larger image at defined positions use the implace command.


This extends the imcopy command to allow smaller images to be placed together in a larger image. It will place the source image at a specified coordinate in an existing destination image, the region being copied is trimmed to fit the destination. This can be used to combine quadrants into whole array images but lacks the more complicated re-alignment and re-sampling functions needed to generate large mosaics from sky data.


This command sets all the pixels in an image to the same supplied value. Admittedly this is not the most advanced command but does have it's uses when creating dummy images for testing. Note that new images can be initialised to any value when they are created with the imcreate command.


A minimal dark frame simulator, this sets each pixel in an image to a random value with a supplied mean and standard deviation. Note that the final value is mean + rand(sd) . Again this command is mostly used for generating test data.

Created from $Id: image.htm,v 1.2 1997/03/19 04:01:04 optics Exp $