User manual - Camera

This package provides the commands to handle the camera ad readout operation.



The same camera commands operate independant of the camera hardware. Not all the commands are possible with all cameras since the underlying hardware will support different subsets of function.

Some camera commands address the camera hardware directly, other use a named camera configuration. Typically different regions, or diffeent readout modes are defined as configurations.


campkgStatus information about camera package and its commands
caminfoInformation about image
camtestCheck camera is powered and on-line return diagnostics
caminitHardware initialise controller, reset black level
camgrabGrab a single data frame
camrumTake a sequence of images
camstopStops camrun
camstatusReturn what camera is doing, number of frames left in sequence
camregionManage named regions and readout modes


This provides information about the status of the camera package. It is similar to the TCL info command but only applies to the camera package.


Returns information about named camera configuration mode


Check camera is powered and on-line return diagnostics


Power on and hardware init of controller, reset black level, retrim electronics


Single data frame, should this set all options, or use a mode ?


Take n frames, create a numbered sequence of images given a basename, empty images created in advance. Should return control immediatley and have an option to pause untill finished


Stops freerun and cleans up unused frames from sequence


Return what camera is doing, number of frames left in sequence


Setup a readout mode, specifying quad/chip, sub region and readout mode


Select chip and quadrant latch, this could also set default camera

Created from $Id: camera.htm,v 1.1 1997/03/18 15:49:21 optics Exp optics $

Readout modes:

reset - Flush

read - Non destructive read

black - Reset_Read

cycle - Read_Reset_Read

Region: specify start x,y width height in blocks of 8x8 pixels

The other modes, to initialise hardware and select chip/quadrant are not accessed directly