UKIRT Mini-survey Zones - Optical Data

The centre of CCD#4 for this series of exposures covers the 10'x10' UKIRT
mini-survey extragalactic and galactic fields.

Full size JPG image of BVR colour composite

BVR colour composite of the 22' x 11' optical view from CCD#4 centred
on the UKIRT extragalactic mini-survey field

Summary of relevant log entries:

18th October 1998
R128985-88 ukirt-exgal U   3:05:30.00 -09:35:00.0 J2000.00 1.450 599.5s U-band
R128993-96 ukirt_exgal V   3:05:30.00 -09:35:00.0 J2000.00 1.402 599.3s V-band
R128997-00 ukirt_exgal KPB 3:05:30.00 -09:35:00.0 J2000.00 1.367 599.5s B-band
R129005-08 ukirt_exgal I   3:05:30.00 -09:35:00.0 J2000.00 1.336 599.5s I-band
R129009-12 ukirt_exgal R   3:05:30.00 -09:34:59.9 J2000.00 1.311 599.5s R-band

19th October 1998
R129205-08 ukirt_gal V    20:00:03.00 +54:57:17.9 J2000.00 1.127 599.5s V-band

The seeing for all images taken was between 1 to 1.5 arcsec.

Status:- linearised + bias-corrected + trimmed + flatfielded

         data available online

17th July 1999

R180504-07 ukirt_gal U    20:00:02.99 +54:57:17.8 J2000.00 1.114 599.5s
R180512-15 ukirt_gal z    20:00:02.99 +54:57:17.8 J2000.00 1.116 598.2s 
R180516-19 ukirt_gal r'   20:00:02.99 +54:57:17.9 J2000.00 1.119 599.4s 
R180520-23 ukirt_gal i'   20:00:02.99 +54:57:17.8 J2000.00 1.125 599.4s
R180524-27 ukirt_gal g'   20:00:03.00 +54:57:17.8 J2000.00 1.133 599.0s

Last modified: Mon Aug 9 13:53:58 1999